Search results

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    Weapon Models?

    Are there currently any weapon models for CS:S? If there are where can i find them?
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    Isnt it so creepy to see the GMAN in the wierdest places? I've seen him atleast 4-5 times.
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    Where are you in HL2

    I currently left off at Ravenholm so I can get maybe another hour of sleep before I go to school.
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    This a courtesy warning to all people previewing thread, MAY BE CONSIDERED A SPOILER!!
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    My Saturday Night Story *Long and in blob format*

    Story time kiddies --- PLZ READ ITS VERY COOL in some sort of way ---- *Sorry for the non cohesive paragraph thing...its more like a blob, but please try to read it, i typed it up just for you guys cause I thought you might like a story* Okay so my sister gets a phone call telling her...
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    What Would U Do? 1. Make a new account 2. Keep the same account 3. I dont know what the hell you're saying 4. No Hablo ingles Okay I'm in a delema as to what I should do concerning Steam and its accounts. Currently I have all games avaliable on steam on one account. And I plan on buying...
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    Hey guys, dont know if this was mentioned.

    But, I just realized that its the weekend. Most corperate people dont work on the weekends. So we sould probably have gold by mon or tues if they accepted the RC. Gawd. Cannot wait for this game.
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    Memory error on CS:S Beta

    Like in the topic I have a memory error when I boot it. I see the CT dudes and all of my updating is done. Help...
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    Whats the...

    Whats the best Heatsink for AMD, because I am having the damdest time figuering out one.
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    Hardware Question (Video Cards)

    Okay, im in my sophomore year in highschool, unemployed. But I have a sister that goes to junior high and gets out 30 minutes later then me. And my mom got tired of picking her up. Long story short i made 300 somthing dollars off that. But shitty thing is, now she doesnt have a 6th hour and now...
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    9500 Pro. Is it still clock locked or can I OC it?

    Like the subject says is the 9500 Pro still clock locked or can I OC it?
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    Water Mark 3D

    Is that program to be taken sereously? Or should I just shun it? Because I got a 23, 773 on it with a -Radeon 9500 Pro -768MB of RAM -2.0GHz P4 -Audigy Gamer
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    Best place to preorder from in USA

    I am looking for the most widely used pre-order company because I must have. Preferably a place that will sell special edition.
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    Are you regreting that you didnt pre-order?

    I sure aint! Look at the mass confusion with all these sites. Im just going to do it the old fashion way and wait infront of the store really early in the morning.
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    Hoping for a good SWAT/ Special Forces mod

    I dont think people realise the LARGE potential of this engine. Unlike BF1942 it its going to have an SDK, and easy modibillity. I really hope someone pushes out a good SWAT or special forces mod for this!!
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    Dell Pentium 4 2.0GHz....

    I need help, i recently took out my P4 because I am getting a new motherboard and case, but i do not understand how to get the stock heatsink off of the processor. I have already bent some pins trying to put it back in my dell aswell, but I carefully put them back. and help at all would be great...