Hey guys I am new to the mod scene and I am having trouble discovering were or what files I need to import some CS:S models. I am working on a 3rd person mod project and I want to include some of the CS:S weapon models. However from my own trials all I can do is import models that appear seem...
hey guys, I am working on single player project yet I am kind lost as to what I need.
I have the game along with the SDK through strem. However I am lost as to what compilers I am to used. Is there a free code compiler I can use to write HL2 code?
I also came across Cannonfodders studio...
Do you guys know of any sound progams similar to FL Studio. I have messed around with it and I seem to like it. However i would like to check out any other programs that might be available before i make a decision.
Well I know that some of you guys have heard of all these crazy ideas for mods that I have dumped here in the last year.
But after playing HL2 I have been working on a mod that takes place WITH-IN the hl2 world.
Basicaly you play a soldier in the resistance. You start off in one of the...
Okay so asside from me doing this kind of stealth kill in CS:S I have never sceen any one or anything actualy do what I do in the game.
So just to give you guys an Idea of how I own peolpe ninja style in CS:S, here is a pice taken from a wilf life cam. The camera takes photos at certain times...
Yes, I know as unbelievable as it is, I got OWNED today!
I was driving in my car today and I came to a stop light. It was mid-day and the temp was great. My windows rolled down and the wonderful fall Arizona wind, what could be better?
So as I sit waiting for the light to green, I suddenly...
There are not enough Ninjas out there in the gaming world. There should be at least one ninja in every game, at least 1.
So, I believe ninjas should find there way to Half life 2. The combine soldiers would fear da ninjas. And what could be better than ninjas with guns and...
hey guys, its been awhile since I had the pleasure of sitting down and have some fun while sketching.
I did this today in about 30 mins. Thats kinda long for me, but then again its been a while since i picked up a pencil.
so in hopes of maybe some day being able to bring my kung fu...
With the cool new possibilities with Source, how possible do you guys think it would be to create a world completly underwater. Something that resembles the game Aquanox.
Hey guys,
Well I must admit that i like to write poetry. In this thread lets see what you guys come up with.
This poem I wrote awhile ago. Its also one of the most unique of my style.
A visitor in the night
The bells of the clock dropped,
a bitter tic and tock to my ear
Okay for my next question. How could one go about creating a mutating model?
Lets say my character has the ability to transform his hand into a large sword. I would like to have the same kind of effect as the liquid terminator in t2.
This kind of mutaion would go for other...
Seriously do you guys think that we will be ablt to use cloth in game. Like being able to create a trench coat or robes and garments. I know bloodlines is doing this so how can we do the same.
So here is a mod idea that seems a little different than some of the others(as far as I know).
This is what i have come up with so far.
Its third person and you have no weapons other than your own body and mind.
Its a straight up brawling mod were you have everything from 1 on 1 duals...
Man this sucks. I just got done playing psi ops and I am really dissapointed. Not in the game, the game was pretty cool. I am upset at the use of psi powers in the game, simply because since half-life 2 was first annouced over a year ago I have been working on an idea I thought was rather...