I have now completed the redesign of http://www.musiqua.com a onemanband from sweden.
He has annouced a album that will be available later this fall.
Hope you like the site, and the music
Something to do while waiting for a real Zombie Mod
Zombie Strike: Source is a simple script that turn VALVe's Counter-Strike: Source to orgy of blood. Tackle the hoards of Zombie Bots attack you and your team. A real blast...
Made a map with a terraingenerator, and added some light...
...but waited for 2 hours to compile it, closed it and compiled it with no light...
Demo and Map in Attatchment...
I made it as big as i could (not heightwise though)
place the demo in...
I'm making a DM map, and i wan't to have a train in it, that moves.
How do i make the train prop move from one location to another, and then 'teleports' to it's orginal direction and start over again.
Start at pos A
Go in x Km/h to location B
Waits there for x seconds...
I played the Brujah, thought it was booring, and i lost 2 Masq. Points for no reason, so im planning to restart.
I'm thinking Gangrel...
...what are you playing?
Anyone tried Nosferatu, i think that is hard :p (tried some (first quest)
Do you have a site with tutorials, or own tutorials?
Well what do you wait for?
Post them here!
http://www.halflife2.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=11 - A good place to start (Theese forums!)
Do you remember the game Gauntlet?
I will now start with a Singleplayer Campaign called gauntlet.
But i need some help.
I suck at Etenitys (and spell that :P )
If you are intrested to work with me today on this msg me on irc @ halflife2.net (Quakenet)...
...[DotO]figge thats me... :p...
Layout: 90%
Texturing: 10%
Props: 5%
E : 1%
First of all, this is my first atempt do to a whole map.
I have played around with hammer for a year, but never had any inspiration to do anything but big wars (Marines vs Zombies etc.)
When Hl2: Deathmatch came i though...
First of all, i'm a bit of a hl2-fanboy ;P
In Doom3 there is a map with alot of bricks in it, piled very high...
...tried to do the same with hl2 (and i made my first skybox \o/ )
But Hl2's physics can't handle that :(
The Bricks float in the air :(
The United Nations sent a worldwide survey with the simple question:
What is your honest opinion to the lack of food in the rest of the world, and what is your solution?
It was a failure:
In africa they didn't know what FOOD was.
In eastern europe they didn't know what HONEST was.
First of all, i want to say i don't favour ANY political party.
And i Live in Sweden. :thumbs:
(My english is far from perfect)
I saw a program about Fox News, and i't horrified me and made me also think about City 17 and Half-life2. I don't really know how many Americans there are on...
Here is some tips of FREE music you can download:
http://www.musiqua.com - This is a friend of mine since 10 years back, he is inspired by U2, Pink Floyd and Peter Gabriel, to mention few artists... :afro:
Something to do while waiting for hl2
(mods move to offtopic or other forum if u want...)
Just came up with a theory with the zombies...
We all know that:
Headcrab + Human -> Zombie -> (Op4) Faster Zombie
We all (i hope we all) saw the E3 2k4 Videos where we saw a fast zombie that jumped far...
...i think this is another step in the zombie evolution:
After awhile...