Search results

  1. Sedako

    For Raz...

    I'm not banned, you nit!
  2. Sedako

    Foo Fighters - Wasting Light, entirely streaming! From the site: Pretty awesome. Foo always makes for some great easy listening.
  3. Sedako

    Just when I decide to upgrade, shit hits the fan

    I wanted to upgrade from a q6600 to the new i5 2500k. However, the new Intel p67 chipset, which sandy bridge compatible motherboards are based on, have a major hardware issue. The SATA 2 ports can die prematurely, and also quickly reduce the life of any hard drives plugged into them. Intel...
  4. Sedako

    Mubarak has stepped down

    After 18 days of protesting, President Mubarak of Egypt has finally stepped down. Power has been transferred to the Military Council. Streaming live from Al Jazeera: Story from BBC: It's great to...
  5. Sedako

    Castlevania: Lords of Shadow verdict

    It's currently sitting at around 85% average reviews, if you're the sort of person that cares about that. Most are saying it is a refreshingly lengthy (20+ hours) and polished game, despite borrowing much from it's inspiration. Combat seems to be quite deep, music is described as excellent...
  6. Sedako

    Did you know that ravens can mimic speech?

    Arguable with more clarity and precision than parrots. These are NOT fake/dubbed. This solidifies my desire to have one:
  7. Sedako

    I fixed my bud's RRoD 360!

    $10 and 2 hours of work later, and it seems to be running without a hitch. No I didn't use the towel trick and no, I didn't buy one of those cheap repairs kits. All it took was some screws, washers, and some holes drilled in the right places. Here it is, happily naked: Yes I realize...
  8. Sedako

    Over the top Infamous 2 video is awesome

    Despite the silly character redesign, the rest of the game looks to improve upon the first:
  9. Sedako

    Have you ever stumbled upon a picture of someone you know online?

    I'm not talking about on Facebook or related sites. I'm talking about forums or imageboards, or even social news sites. I found this one a few weeks ago on an imageboard, and just confirmed it with my friend yesterday. I went to high school with both of them, and the one on the right is one...
  10. Sedako

    All these Xbox deals have finally tempted me to get one

    I went to Target today. They had the spring arcade bundle for $130 and a $50 target gift card. :E This is the first time I've owned every current gen system simultaneously. Once my xbox live card arrives, I'd like to grab some of the better live games. I'm having a hell of a time finding a...
  11. Sedako

    Journey (PSN)

    This is a gorgeous game that I feel deserves it's own thread. It's being developed by that thatgamecompany (flOw, Flower), and is set for release sometime in 2011. Here's an overview of what is currently known: Images (spoilered to save space):
  12. Sedako

    Netflix streaming likely coming to Android

    Based on a job posting that went up recently on Netflix's site, it looks like the iPhone won't be the only smartphone getting this service: Netflix has been very insistent about getting their streaming service onto as many platforms as...
  13. Sedako

    The badass alphabet

    Internet, I love thee. A few of my favorites:
  14. Sedako

    Benq is pissing me off.

    About a year ago and a half ago I purchased a V2400W directly from Benq's online store. It worked great right up until it started shutting itself off intermittently. I called for an RMA, which they didn't give me any hassle with, except that it cost me $50 to ship it to them, and they wouldn't...
  15. Sedako

    How to **** with your local marching band. The expressions make it. My abdomen is in pain from all the laughing.
  16. Sedako

    Surprise Sony sequel announcement this Thursday on GT I'm predicting Jak 4 because: Naughty Dog are currently without a known project, and it's been 6 years since Jak 3. Logically, the game should be far enough along for a full-fledged announcement.
  17. Sedako

    Google Voice invites?

    Would anyone happen to have a spare Google Voice invite? I bought a Droid, and I'd like Voice so I can stick with Verizon's $5 text plan vs the $10 unlimited. I signed up for it a while back, but still have not received an invite from Google.
  18. Sedako

    Patent filing is expensive

    So I can up with an idea I'd like to try to market to a larger company. Unfortunately, it would cost me over $3000 just to file for the patent. Even then, it's not a surefire bet that the patent would make it through the process, or if it does, that the company would want to license or buy my...
  19. Sedako

    CoD7 set for Holiday 2010, likely subscription based Being developed by Treyarch (back to WW2 we go), then there's this little bit: I really hope this blows up in Activision's face. As far as I'm concerned, they're the main threat to the PC gaming industry as we...
  20. Sedako

    Megaman 2 rap

    I couldn't find this elsewhere on the forums, but this made my week: They've done these for a handful of other games as well, though I think the megaman one is the best.