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  1. Urbanleg

    Cant see blood hits on my enemies.

    anyone knows why it happens?
  2. Urbanleg

    Some aliens work in the lab?! now I'm confused!

    what do you think about it.. remmber those are the species that you actually fought with in HL1. im confused. speculations?
  3. Urbanleg

    Worms like figures.

    Hi. I am suffering a very funny phenomenon lately: when i look to the sky at a bright day i can see worms like figures as if its sits on my eye reticulum. there are allot of them.. its pretty scary and before i will go to a doctor about it - i wana know if its a well known issue? (i heard it...
  4. Urbanleg

    Are we dreaming in "real-time" or via some sort of pattern?

    Are we dreaming in "real-time" or is there any kind of Determinism? Hello, Ive been thinking about a dream i had tonight and a theory came to me .. First of all my dream: In it i was in my classroom and the teacher gave us the exams we did.. (he returned them with grades on them of...
  5. Urbanleg

    There is no Infinity.

    I Just thought about it.. If there is Infinite numbers between 0 - 1 (0.0000001,0.00000002 etc..) than there must be infinite numbers between 12:01:00 (o'clock) to 12:01:01... that way any second replaced by another is actually proving there is a finite to an Infinity. I thought about it...
  6. Urbanleg

    Sawing a Woman in Half Trick.

    Hey. anyone knows how the hell magicians those days do this amazing trick??! I mean i'm sure we can find it on the internet somewhere, any thoughts? ?
  7. Urbanleg

    Gamepad To usb

    Hello, is there a way to get a part which connecting to my gamepad conection and changes it into usb connection>? thx.
  8. Urbanleg

    A critical Blow for valve.

    Well I know im not inventing the wheel here but i think this subject must be discussed... The owner of A fan site who gathers all the information about the latest leak name. said today that Valve gave him a call and the only thing he sees now right to do is to pray for them.. When he was...
  9. Urbanleg

    If Valve Release the game ONLY on steam (At the 30th)...

    WHat will you do then? Feel free to discuss this subject..
  10. Urbanleg

    Video card diffrnces

    Hi, im going to buy a 9600 pro (Ati) and i wondered why i can see lots of companies like sapphire \ ati \ etc.. who are delivering it.. whats the diffrences bitween each company?? i noticed the sapphire is the cheapest but the ati is much more expensive.. should i go with the sapphire...
  11. Urbanleg

    THis is TOTALY Irresponsible.

    $@$# It! This is the the final straw! Ok, Noone Pressed a gun to valv'es head and said "YOU MOST GIVE A RELEASE DATE TO STEAM" And they BLEW IT! I mean If HL2 was delayed 1 month ago when people said it will and vivendi man said it too - it was ok by me bcz thats thier Bussniess but...
  12. Urbanleg

    Re-install Windowns After Upgrading?

    Hey. I just bought a new 2500 Xp barthon and an epox 8rda+ Mobo. I bought 2 Kingstone 400mhz of 256 memory chips as well. My question is - Do i have to re-install windows Xp after installing the hardware or XP can take care of the changes alone?
  13. Urbanleg

    Steam Maddness Already Began Is Not far from crashing.. LOL too many fans are waiting and pressing F5 till the App will be released.. the site is very slow now and most of the pages wont even load... I hope its not a reflection of the 30 in sept. when valve releases hl2 over steam.. If so...
  14. Urbanleg

    What Do You Prefer To Be Released Next?

    Discuss, Please Post Your Answer + Small explanation why you choose that instead of the others. :cheers: The Release date option means A "Final" Statement. :cheers: P.s : ITS ALL ABOUT THE RELEASE DATE for me.. Benchmark can wait and movies are useless. You Gotta Admit this is...
  15. Urbanleg

    Whats Do You Prefer To Be Released Next

    I prefer the Benchmark Of course:D
  16. Urbanleg

    Administrator > , < , = G-man?

    What do u think?
  17. Urbanleg

    Original Cs in Source.

    Well im pretty sure the mod community will transfer Cs to Source as soon as the game released.. How much time do u think it will take till we can play Original CS in Source With Extra realism \ physics \ Graphics etc.. etc... ???? I got not clue and i have never tried to mod at all so...
  18. Urbanleg

    Cheating in Multiplayer

    DO u think valve got the guts to ban cdkey's of players who are caught cheating in steam? I mean blizzard deleted accounts in diablo2 lod but didnt actually banned cdkey's they have sold. Due to the lacks of accounts in hl2 i guess Valve got no other option than to Ban cdkey's. If they...
  19. Urbanleg

    Doom3 - Whats the big deal?

    Well i played recently in the leaked beta of doom III and i must say the game looks pretty artistic to me and even nice but i cant see why people are waiting for it .. i mean its just another FPS who looks good but not A big exception. take for example Hl2 . not only it has new phisics...
  20. Urbanleg

    Count down in

    Well since were very close to the release.. Why not implementing a countdown inside the fourms or inisde the site? is it possible at all? If not: Are there any countdowns links?