Multiple Questions:
1. Must you have the CD in the drive if you buy the Retail or Collectors Edition?
2. If you buy the Retail or Collectors edition, will you be able to upgrade to get Day of Defeat? I know with the retail someone's answer was no, but what about the collectors edition...
The Day of Reckoning is nearly upon us, my wayward children. We have all struggled with our souls, craving what may have never come, but LO and behold: The Great Gabe will tonight finally release upon the world the greatness that IS Half-Life 2.
If you come upon those who were heritics to...
I have a test tomorrow morning at 10am. I cannot stay up past 1am if I intend on making it to class. Why don't professors play videogames? Bastards!
Anyone else going to only be able to play it two or three hours tonight?
/me goes off to study for test so he may be able to play HL2 when it...
Just bought on Ebay one of those ATI bundled cards that give you hl2 for free. Amazingly it's the first thing I've ever bought on Ebay. I have sold a few things though...
1. Authentication server constantly down
2. ALL my training records have been erased...
3. Allies dressed like terrorists! Who were the brainchilds who popped this idea in. You wouldn't BELIEVE how many team kills happen because the enemy dresses the same as your friends...
See how far they have encroached upon our society.. If Toys "R" Us has fallen, who can be next?,1854,567477,00.html
Saw a couple movies this week...
Today I saw Radio and Beyond Borders. Radio was an amazing movie that is hillarious with a great plot. Go see it.
Beyond borders is a chopped up plot with a hot bitch(Angelina Jolie) set in a depressing place. The movie is about these aid workers who...
First off, can anyone tell me what the name of the song playing on is? I love it.
Second, I just saw the movie today. It IS worth seeing, but don't do anything important afterwards. It is a really shocking movie, and gives a really bleak outlook onto how sick people...
When I run a vide game the CPU heats up to over 72C(170F). When it is idle, the lowest it gets is 62C. My system temp is 40-45. I have an amd xp 2500+ and a gigabyte mobo. I tried turning the fan in the door around, and then taking the door all the way off... Nothing.These are way too high...
It's been released in a few stores. I heard you can get it in Wal-Mart and a few others that don't care about release dates. They just put it out when they get it.
Those who have laughed and mocked the one we call Gabe, you will soon feel his wrath. September 30th is near, and the Headless Zombies shall strike down at you from all sides. The seven clans will bind together to join an unholy union, which only we together can fight. Remeber: Where one...
I just upgrade, but I realized I have nothing to play untill HL2 comes out Tuesday. Does anyone have any new games that are worth reccomending? I haven't purchased a game in about a month. I don't really see anything worth purchasing though...
Gigabyte MOBO
AMD XP 2500+
512mb ram
80 gig HD with 2 meg cache
Radeon 9600 pro *
I spent a LITTLE more than I thought I would... don't tell anyone... 900..
Hachi Machi!
It went off the air like 2 weeks ago, and came back last night with a re-run. Has it been canceled? Link me to any articles if you know of any. I haven't been able to find anything on it...
Thats when the first post popped up right? Thats pretty amazing for a Marketing Director to not do it in the morning. Amazing...
When was the first "news" site updated with this info? The earlier thread on here I see is 5:00 AM.
These boards have been filled with Heretics and Blasphemers claiming to be false prophets. They cry of news that is filled with words of a Delay. Hear me now! You were warned once. Now that you are in the direst of times, you would turn your back on the one we call Gabe? He has proclaimed...
I wonder if all this secrecy is because they are hiding something. Wouldn't it be cool if Gabe was working with Vivendi for a "box" version of Steam? You can buy HL2 over steam, Or you can buy HL2 over Steam and have them ship you a copy in the mail, so you can have the Hard CD, manual etc etc...