No masturbating for a continuous amount of time.
First, no masturbating for a week, if successful add another week and so forth. Aim is at least one month.
Reasons are various...masturbating is lame, increase testosterone levels for muscle growth, see if you can,...
I'm now at day 2 and i...
If you need some inspiration watch this vid (but is not necessary)
I'd start with:
1.disengage in Iraq and Afghanistan of establishing Palestine as a country
3.Decrease criminalization and surveillance of Muslim...
Read a blog and check out the right side where the links are...some funny ones.
It's too long to read, but might have some interesting things.
Good god! I thought the internet couldn't throw more things at me than it already did.
I won't post pics because, they're not too "pretty" to see.
I think it's the right time to confess my SiO2phobia (glass-phobia). I...
Believe it or not i've only now managed to watch Requiem for a Dream. Pretty powerful movie. If there's one new thing i learned, is that it's much easier being a junkie if you're a girl. You just sell your body in a time of crisis.
But it's not about the movie.
I wanted to discuss about...
This might turn very ugly. Biological control can be so unpredictable.
If the thing starts chewing on "native" agricultural crops, it will suck big time.
This is a very relevant issue for home gardeners. Major farms can't afford to...
Nowadays only arcade/action games might be better compared to older games
(not necessarily a representative comparison, but the point is comparing games in the same category->old game vs new one)
Arcade: Teenage mutant ninja turtles vs. Bayonetta (hmm tough one)
Lol, even i can't believe it.
Obviously not in a row. I've watched it since it came out 4 times.
The first 2 times was quite thrilling, the third was kinda normal, the fourth was because i just replayed doom 3 again.
Ok i agree that it's not the best movie out there, but's sci-fi...
Tutututu tu tu, tee, tutututu tu tu, teee....uuu UU uu UU ee uu. (guess which theme song this is!)
Old italian amiga game.
You play a sleazy asshole, in hunt for a cartoon dame which i couldn't reach because this game is too hard :D
First level
If the flying dicks, and stuff gets you then you loose a life, depicted here
The energy is the dick bar (lol), lives are...
(i do recommend it)
So...what exactly did you want me to focus on?
Personally i believed some parts of it since day 1, didn't really struck me as a surprise.
I'm sure the rich run the whole show but i'm not sure they do it in...
(you are limited to 72 minutes of video in average, just let the video store in the buffer and disconnect from the net, then you can watch it in peace)
Really some clips are unbelievable. The oceans are a plastic'll see what i mean.
It's a concept i'm much interested in.
The average person (in our country) consumes 120l/day, make that 165l/day. Monthly that would mean ~5000l per month.
This is how big one looks like (a 5000l tank, Solaris, a water tank):
If you dig them underground you can easily make at least 5...
If we put aside the ad hominem arguments against Moore, what are some legitimate critics of this movie?
Corporations clearly and borderline legally manipulated politics. Bribery, hidden deals, infiltration,...
How does on actually minimize this from happening? Maybe from time to time an armed...
You're in a extreme crisis area (total war, nuclear apocalypse, extreme natural disaster,...), basically where there is no unified law system and it's pretty much everyman to himself.
Choose your weapon, but only realistic tanks, tactical nukes, plasma guns are not a real option. At...
The prettier they are the less they are drunk at parties.
What are the different levels of alcohol intoxication in women?
Non drunk->Stands in a less crowded area of the dance floor just slightly moving her hips to the rhythm. Usually surrounded by friends.
Slightly drunk-> This time...
It's an amateur documentary but has some really insightful clips in it.
(However it's not obligatory for this debate)
May i start with the statement
I'm not sure i would fully agree with that statement.
I generally don't...
Since i'm on a horror movie frenzy lately i want to talk about methods of directing.
I got the movie "The Descent" which i thought it would kick ass, but it turned out to be a facepalm fest.
Things to do less in horror movies or not at all:
1. Get a bunch of amateurs do something way beyond...