I've been offling for a while, and have been super busy lately but My mod is still on track and hasnt been abandoned. I've been doing som e modeling when I get the time, but theres been little of that. In october I think I'll be able to get some more modding time.
I have been working on som...
I have some off list questions questions for anybody experienced with Terragen and or World Machine.
This is for Invasion Earth:1987.
PM Me or mail to [email protected]
Somebody posted a message that claimed that new maps can be 16X larger. I dont doubt this, but I'm curious about the source of the info. I looked around and couldnt find anything else about it.
Anybody know this one?
And I wonder, is that 16X larger in total volume, or does the maximum...
While watching the demo vids something has been bothering me a bit. The wood splinters way too easy!
Done get me wrong, its a cool feature and I'd rather have it than not, but its a little overdone.
I've blasted away at alot of wooden targets over the years, and they end up with a hole in...
I 've started working on a Lunar Personell Carrier for Invasion Earth: 1987.
Its still a work in progress and the interior is mostly unfinished.
The rear half will be an airlock and the front half will be pressurized. I want to have a weapons locker and mediacl station onboard if the HL2...
Tomorrow My broadband access will be terminated untill July. I had a month without any income in May and it is catching up with me. I'll be back on in July, probably with lots of new models to get feedback on. But I wont be replying to any posts on previous threads untill then.
See ya here...
I have the "Base model" for the female soldier model in My retro-Sci-Fi mod "Invasion Earth: 1987".
I added the bubble helmet and airtanks just get an idea of what I want for the airsupply and helmet collar.
The boots and gloves are currently just temporary placeholders right now.
Its a...
From a modeling perspective I think that right now it would be VERY VERY helpfull to know how valve is implementing the LOD(Level Of Detail) system.
Is this a fully automatic system with no user input, or will we need to make several detail level versions for each model?
If it is...
My primary Mod that I'm working on tight now is a sort of Retro Sci-Fi mod. The year is 1987,but its from the perspective of a 1955 movie. I've named it "Invasion Earth: 1987". I'm using every cheezy old cliche' from a lot of the old Sci-Fi movies and shows.
Sort of Forbidden Planet, Battle...
Evil posted this in another thread:
I think one of the first maps I'll be making is a sort of test course designed to put the AI through its paces. Surely there will be some basic AI settings available in the editors without the need for coding (hopefully).
To watch and learn how the AI...
How many polys are people planning to use on their models?
Right now I have a couple of player models that I'm working on that are in the mid 4000 range. And a few weapons that are running 750-950.
Think this is a bit high, or am I fairly close to what Valve will be using on their models...