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  1. jondy

    The original Xbox could have been Dreamcast compatible

    Yep, Sega chairman Isao Okawa tried to negotiate a deal with Microsoft, but it looks like his insistence on netplay was a dealbreaker. Just imagine what the world could have been
  2. jondy

    American Health Care Reform

    I've been following the various debates for a while, and - unbelievably, given historical precedent - it's now looking likely that the Senate is going to pass a bill. I was wondering whether you guise in the States especially had any opinions on its efficacy! Or anyone else, for that matter.
  3. jondy

    My friend's macbook has died...

    and I can barely keep a straight face. Which is awful, because she has essay deadlines for next week. I've lent her a laptop for the time being, but in terms of fixing the thing, macs are completely obtuse for me, so I thought I'd post here and see if anyone could lend a hand. When you turn...
  4. jondy

    Putting together a microATX cube PC! Advice Needed.

    I've got a friend who has 600 quid to spend on a gaming PC, and has asked me to help him put together a machine inside a cube case, ie He's already got optical drives and a monitor. The problem is, while...
  5. jondy

    I Love Gitaroo Man

    Anyone else played/fallen violently in love with it? God, it's awesome. I'm trying to beat Zowie now D:
  6. jondy

    Bacon To Kill Us All

    "Eating large quantities of cured meats like bacon could damage lung function and increase the risk of lung disease" I can't breathe!
  7. jondy

    quick image request...

    does anyone have that 300 pic, 'I FORGOT WHERE WE ARE DINING TONIGHT'? I can't find it in the image thread
  8. jondy

    Online games stop after a few seconds.

    I've searched and couldn't find a solution to this - hopefully someone will have seen something I haven't. Every time I log in to a steam online game, I load up the level, drop into the world and start playing, only for everything to freeze in what's best described as 'infinite lag' - I can...
  9. jondy


    I'd heard it was popular among US students so decided to pick up a bottle last night. Hahahaha, it's great - its taste resembles cough medicine and it's syrupy sweet, you can rack up the shots without feeling a thing. It seems to f*ck people up quicker, as well. Had a great night, got back at...
  10. jondy

    Drunk Australian Attacks Shark

    It's a radio interview - listen to the host, he's compulsively cracking up :D
  11. jondy

    Is the 'Episodic' label justified?

    I was going to create this thread a while ago, but didn't get round to it - the recent delay that apparently shifts Ep2's release to winter highlights what's bothering me, though. The first episode, announced early 2005, was out a year later. We're now looking at a year and a half gap between...
  12. jondy


    Post your ULTIMATE PICTURES! here! There are no criteria, except - the photo contains you - it constitutes an ULTIMATE PICTURE! The more ridiculous, bizarre, or pornographic, the better. Begin!
  13. jondy

    I need new books!

    I've been on a spate of novel reading recently. Now I need a new author! Recommend me some books. They can be non-fictitious, as long as they're enjoyable/reasonably easy to read (ie A Short History of Nearly Everything etc, I get enough hardcore non-fic in my history degree :)). I was thinking...
  14. jondy

    My ISP Is Blocking Steam!

    I recently downgraded my connection with the provider for the halls I live in, and it turns out they've blocked steam traffic. Is there any way around this? I don't particularly need to game online, but I would like to be able to login to steam, keep everything updated, and get new titles...
  15. jondy

    Online Music Stores

    I've just cancelled my subscription to eMusic. The idea was, pay 8 quid a month and get 40 tracks that are yours to keep - really great, but their library wasn't so good. It had plenty of the older jazz, but didn't have a lot of the more modern material I'm interested in. So! I need a new...
  16. jondy

    The Democratic Hopefuls

    Well, Hillary Clinton has just thrown her hat into the ring... I'm not American, and I'm interested to know how everyone over there feels about Clinton, Obama et al... How do you guys feel about the democratic nominations? Who would...
  17. jondy

    I just discovered Street Fighter

    My poor thumbs! On recommendation from a friend I've been checking out loads of them the past couple of days, SFII and the Alphas. I can just about dragon punch and fireball at will now, but playing on a keyboard it's a bitch getting the diagonals in for specials. Addictive as ****, and I'm...
  18. jondy

    Gordon Frohman is DEAD!
  19. jondy

    PCGAMER review?

    Saw the mag on shelves today, but I didn't pick it up, and it was wrapped :P Anyone see the score?
  20. jondy

    New video setting for high-end users?

    In the Robin Walker interview gameinformer did recently, there was mention of an 'additional setting' for high-end gamers. Does anyone else remember this? I didn't see anything new in the video options.