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  1. h00dlum

    This is why i hate organaized religion...

    Hi guys havent posted a thread here in ages, but i stumbled accross this video today and its the most ridicilous yet disturbing thing i can possibly think of. Its pure child abuse! But I think this has great debate value. Check it out! and while...
  2. h00dlum

    New years eve fireworks!

    So will you guys buy some fireworks for new years? I went out and bought this little sucker: I cant wait to light the fuse :cheese:
  3. h00dlum

    Happy birthday to me!

    Turned 20 today, i can now buy alcohol legally in sweden. I also got a large sum of money to spend (new GFX card here i come!) Cheers for me! :cheers:
  4. h00dlum

    Jeopardy is teh L337 :D:D:D Video is down the page...
  5. h00dlum

    I got to stop drinking...

    The last few months me and my friends drinking habits has escaladed to a point where everything is ****ed up. For that last 2 years i have been drinking to a point where im really drunk every week. And this year we have been partying like crazy for atleast three times a week. I have been able to...
  6. h00dlum

    Handy program for BF2! This allows you to be able to paste ip´s in to the browser. Sorry if its been posted, i searched and did not find anything. Enjoy!
  7. h00dlum

    Triumph(the insult comic dog) outside the Michael Jackson trial...HILARIOUS! You got to love Triumph! :)
  8. h00dlum

    So i got kicked in the face tonight..

    So i was at this party and there was this drunk idiot who was mad cuz he had broke up with his girlfriend. He was really pissed and i said something that got him mad..the result was a kick in the face and a fist on my cheek. I just got home after a 3 hour waiting time in the emergency room. The...
  9. h00dlum

    Anime IRL...kind of.. LOL ok this is even worse than the LARP video... :P btw i posted this just to make TDE mad...
  10. h00dlum

    IRL WoW...kind of..

    LOL I think this is so funny, this the sequel to the "Lightning bolt" video. If someone has a link to it please post, i want to watch it again! :) (their site)
  11. h00dlum

    Roflcopter!!1 Lolerskatezz!! LMAO @ at the third guy at the end... :laugh:
  12. h00dlum

    Kevin Smiths Episode 3 Review *SPOILERS*

    You've been warned... - "Revenge of the Sith" is, quite simply, ****ing awesome. This is the "Star Wars" prequel the haters have been bitching for since "Menace" came out, and if they don't cop to that when they finally see it, they're lying. As dark as "Empire" was, this movie goes a...
  13. h00dlum

    Amazing impressions!

    This guy is awesome! The Robin Williams impression is chilling... (Realplayer required)
  14. h00dlum

    New Revenge of the Sith trailer? Is that a new Star wars episode 3 trailer? Cuz i havent seen it before, some idiot has added some subtitles too it. Some might find them amusing but i did not bother to read them.. :monkee:
  15. h00dlum

    Classic Nintendo themes, a cappella.. This was sweet! Way better than all the people playing the mario theme on electric guitar and piano.. :laugh: The Tetris bit made me laugh out loud..maybe because its 06.52 here and i havent been to bed yet :thumbs:
  16. h00dlum

    Nice gaming room + collection :bounce: :bounce:
  17. h00dlum

    What does your family think about gaming?

    So how does your parents\wife\sister\brother\kids feel about your interest in games? Do they hate it or they might even play themselves? My parents dosent care, i mean im 20 years old i can do whatever i want. But when i was younger they used to think i played to much!
  18. h00dlum

    Swat 4

    Got this game today, its really cool. The full version is way better than the demo IMO. I havent played a boring mission yet and all the maps is super detailed, i really like the enviorments. The missions are very varied. One of my favourite mission is when you have to infiltrate a psycho that...
  19. h00dlum

    Scammer gets scammed! lol this is hilarious.. :laugh:
  20. h00dlum

    This is the coolest bird ever! Birdie got some skillz! :naughty: