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  1. D

    4 yr old borrows car to rent a videogame

    "He decided he wanted to get a video game. So he got dressed, took the keys, left the house, got in the car, put it in reverse and backed up, left the apartment complex and drove down the road a quarter of a mile (400 metres)," said Heugel...
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    Map freezing

    The problem is, when i goto play my map that i have created, HL2 deathmatch freezes at Initiating Resources with about 4 blocks to go. I gave the bsp to another guy and it froze on him aswell, here is the compiling info ** Executing... ** Command: "c:\program...
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    Toolbox help

    Well i can't really remember how, but my toolbox (the one where you get to select the option to make a brush ect) is gone,im pretty sure ive gotten it back before....but i just cant now and its been like this for a day or so. I know about the hotkeys and that but i want the toolbox back, so does...
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    My art

    MY art pieces from My first 2 piece's ever!!!! - some random 1 - my crossaint
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    Australia gives 1 billion dollars to aid

    Australia's government just announced they are paying people to go there and help volunteer, and also are giving 1 billion dollars towards the Tsnuami
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    Micheal Jackson game! I only got to level 4 pedophile...aheh, come here little kiddies!!!!!
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    BMX videos?

    Does anyone know a good site of some videos of street? ...not flatland
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    Merry Christmas

    Its 12am now im going to sleep =]
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    It is a Halflife 2 single player mod, and to me seems quite promising :cool: although a little corny :frog: (not made by ppl 15yrs :O :P) Here is the story Zantek Labs was the leader in Nano Technology. Their medical breakthroughs practically eradicated all forms of sickness and disease...