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    Possible end to Hostilities Seems theyve reached an agreement, just have to put it into practice.
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    Another reason why Iron Maiden owns...
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    My First Sigs ever made

    Hey, Im finally learning to make sigs, and am wondering what you guys think about these. These are my first two sigs ive ever really made. What do you guys think? I prefer the 2nd one.
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    A Shit Blizzards a coming...

    The Shit Winds are in the air... "Lebanon's army, which so far has sat on the sidelines of the violence raging in the country, will join the fight against Israel if Israeli forces invade the country, Defense Minister Elias Murr said on Al-Jazeera television. "The Lebanese army -- and I stress...
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    Use New GMAIL Account with existing Hotmail/MSN Account

    Hey all, Is it possible for me to use my newly created GMAIL account to work with my old MSN Account, so I don't have to add all users again, and they do not have to add me again. For example. Everyone on my list already can see my hotmail. When I add new people I give them my gmail, they...
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    "George Bush Doesn't care about Black People" - Kayne West

    Anybody seen this? if that doesnt work: Watch the video, it was on Live TV, they cut him off after he said the above quote. He seems very emotional on it. Mike Meyers is just like "whoa". Strong words. Heres...
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    Post your 3D Mark 05 Scores:

    I just upgraded my System heres my score, not this is all stock, im gonna overclock later and try it again: 7261 System: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3500+ 2.2ghz EVGA GeForce 7800 GT PCI E 256mb GDDR3 Kingston 1 GB DDR 400 ram DFI Lanparty Nforce 4 Ultra-D Mobo Antec Neopower 480 watts
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    This video card good for this price?

    Look here: Keep in mind the price is Canadian, is this a good card?
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    Installing Suse Linux...

    Ok. Why is this happening? I downloaded Suse Linux from the Novell site. Used Partition Magic to create an appropriate partition 10gb, with ext file system. Then it created a 500mb swap partition for it. Now i toss in Suse CD1, restart comp, boots from cd, boots fine, everythings fine until...
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    Way to disable all the icons?

    IS there a way to disable all the icons in your view, not on the minimap. But like peoples names, bases and their distance, my screen feels too cluttered and I dont like all that crap on it. Its easy enough to tell between friend and foe, and the minimap shows the bases, i dont care about the...
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    Lord of the Rings Trilogy or Original Star Wars?

    Which is the better trilogy of the two? I guess if you want you can include the prequels for Star Wars but I doubt anyone would vote for those since, Episode 3 was really the only good one.
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    Do you have to be artistic to know how to model?

    Question in topic. I really wanna learn how to model & skin but I have 0 artistic talent whatsoever.
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    Delay command in Java?

    Is there a delay method or anything in Java. Im making a small dice game, and want to change the image (its an ImagIcon in a JLabel) of dice, then stop on one, to look like its rolling, accept i have to slow it down, or else it will change through them all in like .5 seconds. And no I dont...
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    Blank DVD stuck in DVD Writer!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok I went to burn a DVD and the Blank DVD is now stuck in the DVD Writer. Nero froze at 0% when burning. Eject button doesnt work, so i disconneced it from computer and tried emergency eject button (u use a paperclip to push it) and it still wouldnt open. According to the manual with power off...
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    Trey Parker should start a metal band...

    After watching this from the South Park DVD's.. he should totally start a metal band...
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    Quick Java question..

    Ok i have some little assignment to do In java to help learn GUI. Anyway theres a command button and 4 labels. When u click the command button once one label goes red, hit it again, next one goes red (first still is red), hit it again, third goes red until there all red. Once there all red u...
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    Convert PAL DVD to NTSC

    Hey, is it possible to convert a PAL dvd to NTSC, including menus, chapters etc? I need to do this, as I have some movies in PAL I cant watch (accept on computer). So i need to convert and reburn them in NTSC. Anyone know any good programs to do this with?
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    Make shell casings stay forever?

    Is there anyway to make shell casings not disspear and stay until the round ends?
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    Console command to get rid of HUD?

    Is there a console command to get rid of the HUD?
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    Good soundpacks?

    Anyway have any good soundpacks for CSS or just normal CS that i could edit and put in source? A good replacement pack could make CSS a lot better then it is