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  1. Lucid

    clubs are overrated

    no seruisoly you guys should styay away from clubs i mean they're loud as shit and its just people dry humping eachother and vomiting all over your brand new jeans ****ing christ no wonder i haven't been to one in 4 or 5 years, it doesn't help either that it was in the ghetto part of town either...
  2. Lucid


    In my butt? :indy: :dance: :yorick:
  3. Lucid

    The Walking Dead Season 3 - Welcome to Prison

    I hate to say it but this season looks like it'll redeem the series. The only things I'm iffy about are the lack of Tyrese anywhere in that trailer and the rearrangement of who meets the Governor first(which seems to be all due to not wanting to limit Rick's character in any way... ****ing...
  4. Lucid

    Ancient PC needs a few upgrades but I'm broke.

    Alright, I have an ASRock K7S8X motherboard and I'm looking to replace the PSU I have since I'm sure it's much older than the mobo but I'm also looking to buy a new GPU that supports AGP and is under $70, I've got my eyes on this for the GPU at the moment and it's the primary reason I want a new...
  5. Lucid

    Terra Nova - Dinosaurs, time travel, and that crazy Colonel from Avatar... Oh my!

    Premieres tonight on FOX with a 2 hour pilot. I'm somewhat intrigued but my hopes aren't high just because it's most likely going to be extremely by the numbers in nearly every aspect. But, DINOSAURS.
  6. Lucid

    Ringer - Sarah Michelle Gellar Returns to TV

    Comic-Con Promo Main cast Sarah Michelle Gellar as Bridget Kelly/Siobhan Martin. Bridget, a young troubled woman wanted by the mob, goes on the run and takes on the life of her recently departed, wealthy twin sister Siobhan. Nestor Carbonell as Victor Machado, an FBI agent whose job it is...
  7. Lucid

    'Spartacus' star Andy Whitfield dies at 39 Man, I'm really upset. Thoroughly enjoyed his work on Spartacus and just recently his cameo in a FreddieW short.
  8. Lucid

    Welp, the Syndicate reboot is probably an FPS.
  9. Lucid

    Knights of Badassdom - Trailer

    Looks like a ton of fun. Also, Summer Glau, Peter Dinklage, and Ryan Kwanten are in it so it's pretty much a must-see for me.
  10. Lucid

    Damages - The only litigation show you need to watch.

    Thread music: Damages follows the turbulent lives of Patty Hewes (played by Glenn Close), the nation’s most revered and reviled high-stakes litigator and her bright, ambitious young protégé Ellen Parsons (played by Rose Byrne). Now, before you run away and dismiss this as just another show...
  11. Lucid

    Green With Envy - Coming Nov. 23rd. Not much known about this but it looks promising, if kind of generic... also Amy Adams.
  12. Lucid

    Alfred (Not Michael Caine) has finally been released from the bonds of Bruce Wayne

    :( It seems he led quite a full life, not many actors get to die of old age these days.
  13. Lucid

    Six Feet Under (2001 - 2005)

    "Every day above ground, is a good one." To start off, I'm a huge fan of the show who has recently finished the entire series. And because I loved it so ****ing much, I'll make a thread for it. Synopsis (Wiki'd) The show stars Peter Krause as Nathaniel Samuel "Nate" Fisher Jr., the son of a...
  14. Lucid

    Chuck - The Best Show You Never Watched

    The previous thread has next to no information and I desperately want this show to make it past its 4th season. So here it goes. You like Firefly? You'll love this. You like spy movies? You'll love this. You like video games, techtalk, and other nerdy things? You'll love this. New season...
  15. Lucid

    Boardwalk Empire - Premieres on HBO Sept. 19th

    This is going to be amazing. Steve Buscemi as Enoch "Nucky" Thompson (who is based on Enoch L. Johnson)[4] Michael Kenneth Williams as Chalky White, the de facto mayor of Chickenbone Beach Stephen Graham as Al Capone Michael Stuhlbarg as...
  16. Lucid

    Avatar Request...

    Hey, I have a small favor for the artistic amongst us. I was wondering if anyone would be so kind as to turn 00:07 to 00:12 of the video below into an animated avatar for me? There's sexual favors in it for you. :naughty: Also, bonus points if you...
  17. Lucid

    Elemental - War of Magic has Gone Gold!(new Stardock game)

    Awesome! I don't know about anyone else but I'm extremely excited for this game. It's basically a spiritual sequel to Master of Magic, a game that I used to play a lot back in the day.
  18. Lucid

    Activi$ion Indie Games Competition... yes, it's what you probably think.

    I really didn't think they could be any more blatantly greed motivated, but they have once again outdone themselves. They are hosting an "Indie" games competition. But from the looks of it, they are really hosting a "Give us your innovative ideas and full plan of execution and we may even put...
  19. Lucid

    Shogun 2: Total War

    We just MIGHT finally be getting a sequel to the game that started off the Total War series. Also, on the official Total War website they have an hourglass that's counting down to something and apparently each year it stops on is a year that major things happened in the Far East.
  20. Lucid

    Super 8 - New J.J. Abrams Movie Don't know shit about it except that it's going to be another monster movie.