I just don't understand. What made valve turn away from their original ideas to this pixar cartoony new style? I've been playing TFC since day 1, hell, even counter strike since beta 3 or a little before, and i must say TFC consumed a lot of my time, and i mean a lot. That was back in the day...
Vivendi Universal
50 Cent: Bulletproof (PS2, Xbox)
Crash Tag Team Racing (Cube, DS, PS2, Xbox)
F.E.A.R. (PC)
The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction (Cube, PC, PS2, Xbox)
Scarface (PC, PS2, Xbox)
Those are the current games being shown. At the e3 website, Vivendi has 3 booths. Every...
Anyone interested in TF2, highly a good read, you need adobe acrobrat reader though :)
Some games my disc drive detects, some it doesn't. As of right now it will not detect Pandora Tomorrow. I've looked for errors and problems that people have at their website and have found none. I think i need that disc detector program found in control panel, but for some reason ever since i...
As much as i wish it was TF2, i have a feeling it's de_prodigy and a few other little cs:s goodies, like they promised awhile ago. :rolleyes:
THIS IS THE SUPRISE >> http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=46609
I totally thought Half-Life was the most innovative/best game ever made, still is IMOP. Half-Life 2 has surely surmounted and risen above to any FPS to date, but i still think HL1 was and still is the best game of all time. HL2 had it all, don't get me wrong, i loved it! Probably will beat it...
I just wanna know how many extremest are out there right now playing halflife 2 and how far they are because i'm only on chapter 4.
Just announce what chapter your on, no discussion or spoiling anything please!
I'm curious as to how many of you are staying up until 12am, 2am, or 3am, or even later if you have to, that only live in America.
I may be up until 2am, play until 7am, then go to school, im debating, what should i do?!?!
Yeah, i know i said i was gone, well after this i am but it was cool cause ive had ErikJ on my list for about a year now and all of a sudden i get on steam and he is in a 5/22 TFC server. So we played together...here is the convo..
me: Hey Erik, how is Team Fortress 2 coming along? I'm doing...
I'll see you guys later, most likely won't ever be back here. Hope all of you enjoy HL2 and maybe ill come across some of you in Team Fortress 2 some day!! ;) It's been fun, all of you veterans here, PEACE!
I just reformatted, have SP1, all updates i need from microsoft, even went to dell.com and got the right version of the sound card drivers i need, well when i go into the sounds menu/control menu...it says no audio device! I have no idea what to do, i even went to creative.com and downloaded...
We are trying to look for the best overall senior prank we can pull at the end of the year. As for a few littles ones we have the following...
1. Slip-n-slide in the hall way.
2. A lot of super soaker guns soaking the freshmen after they get out of class.
3. Type of material that stains the...
So I just want this to be explained. I understand they are encrypted and what now but isn't there someone out there that can "hack" them or whatever. What exactly would you have to do...? A password? Some sort of language? How would ppl even attempt to go about opening these coded files....
Yes, I'm getting ready to reformat my computer pretty soon, and i hear you have to activate windows with your cd key. Well, it's been activated before and supposivly i have to REactivate it. I've called microsoft and the automated machine told me to type in that 20 digit code with the different...