So SOE just unveiled the new Everquest (was anyone even aware they were making one?), and it sounds all kinds of too good to be true, in a "I wonder how they're going to **** this up" kind of way. Here's the press release version for the lazy.
And here's a taster of some in-game stuff...
They're having their summer sale for the next couple of weeks or something, and today is "the longest day of summer," which I guess translates to a whole heap of shit being 50-75% off. You can get a bunch of things cheaper if you go in for a bundle too.
Sorry, kind of flubbed the title. What I meant was
Literally cannot imagine a worse sentence right now. In seventeen words, IGN, of all people, have perfectly summarised everything I hate about what the internet has become...
Figured this could use a new thread since the others are about different Humble deals, and we don't really have a "Humble stuff" thread any more, so whatev. Pretty great line-up in this one anyway, well worth a look.
(Also soundtracks for most of them, as...
I just felt like sharing this because... jesus christ.
Remember how fun Saint's Row 1 and 2 were without any of this stupid shit? Am I just jaded or did trying too hard to differentiate from GTA IV ruin the **** out of this series?
All of them.
Thoughts? I mean I guess people are actually buying this shit so you can't fault them for taking advantage of an obvious business opportunity, but on the other hand those people...
So, FF14 sucked fantastic amounts of distended gorilla anus, and I guess Square thought so too as they brought in a new producer and basically overhauled the entire game.
A more exhaustive list of new features can be found here...
Bunch of bundles of games at 75% off, 50% off if you buy them individually. They've been cycling the bundles for a while now but today you can pick from the whole lot at once. I presume it's a one day only thing. Unless the world doesn't end? Whatever.
Got myself the...
Looks kind of terrible to me.
And yeah you weren't seeing wrong, it's published by ****ing Apogee. Or at least, whoever bought the rights to the name from 3D Realms. The developer doesn't really have anything else under their belt except a planned remake of Duke 3D in the Unreal 3 engine...
Horrible, horrible things.
Edited down to the main points but the whole thing is worth a read.
or something. I don't really have a good idea of what this thread is meant to be about but mostly I just think this video is real funny.
The video is of course (probably) meant to be in reference to the outcry over Eurogamer's 8/10 score for Uncharted 3, which attracted some controversy...
Edit: I don't know why I called it a "tactical strategy" game in the title, that was pretty dumb lol.
I'm really making a habit out of these over-long titles but oh well.
So some ex-Bioware devs calling themselves Stoic Studios (who are currently based in a converted goat shed) are creating a...
So there's been some more footage coming out lately, and a release date, and I couldn't find the last thread if we even had one. Probably not. Anyway you're welcome, the other 2 people still holding out hope for this.
It's coming out September 7th in the US, 9th in EU. Here's the latest CG...
... and make over $600k in a single night. :| (edit: An update on their Kickstarter page says they reached their initial goal in just over eight hours. Daaaang.)
I know, another one of these threads, but I couldn't let this escape anyone's notice.
So, the Entertainment Software Association, the group responsible for representing the interests of many major games publishers (who have, most of them, already come out against the bill individually), have...
So some of you may have already heard a lot about this game, being a perpetually teased but never released indie darling (like Fez, ugggghhhhhhh just come out already), but I thought I'd bring it to the attention of everyone else as it looks pretty neat and is probably being released this year...