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  1. Xune

    Effects of piracy on game sales.

    An interesting piece on the finding of one company, Reflexive, into piracy and product sales. A 1000:1 ratio! It would be interesting to see how this plays out for more mainstream, non casual, game companies.
  2. Xune

    Griefers, the Sociopaths of the Virtual World

    Great read, check it out. For the lulz of course. :afro:
  3. Xune

    Why is email so shit?

    Gah, I've just spent an hour uploading a batch of photographs in hotmail at what must have been 1kb/s only to receive a delivery notification five minutes later saying that it's too big for the recipients inbox. It's only 19 bloody megabites ffs! Same story with my gmail account. WTF is the...
  4. Xune

    Developer corruption in EVE Online

    Rather interesting read over at Kotaku concerning developer corruption and favouritism ingame. Here's an interesting read on how the situation was uncovered and handelled thus far. I haven't played EVE for a long time now but if I were still paying the subscription fee I'd seriously...
  5. Xune

    Alternative to iTunes

    So my brother is in the next room tearing his hair out because iTunes is giving him shit as he tries to put music on his new iPod. Personally I think he deserves everything he gets for buying one, iPods are for wankers. However, I'm just wondering is there any alternative software he could use...
  6. Xune

    Defcon videos

    Eurogamer have not one but FOUR Defcon trailers! Check 'em out here, here, here and here. Hopefully Introversion will be able to hit the September release date they announced recently. I can't wait for this game.
  7. Xune

    Wii games £50 each?

    Just look at the Wii section on They're taking preorders for Wii games and have set prices of £49.99 across the board! Play are usually decent on price, so I doubt they're jacking up the price on the back of the Wii's strong showing at E3. Perhaps this is just a preliminary pricing...
  8. Xune

    Mod for SWAT 4 and win cool prizes

    I was just checking out 10David, a mod archive for SWAT 4, and noticed that there's some kind of competition on at the moment. Make a mod for the game enter it and you could win something from the sponsors Nvidia and D-Link. Not bad considering people make mods all the time for nothing but...
  9. Xune

    Tis the season to be leaky.

    It never rains but it pours. Not only have Rag Doll Kung Fu and Age Of Empires 3 leaked before release, the much anticipated F.E.A.R has now entered the wild 4 days before launch. If I didn't know any better I'd think that publishing houses simply don't want to make any money.
  10. Xune

    Who is GM Gabriel?

    I've been reading Penny Arcade casually for the past few months and have noticed a couple of pieces taking a dib at someone called GM Gabriel. I've gathered that he's an overzelous GM from world of warcraft but that doesn't tell me who he is and what he did to make him a figure for ridicule...
  11. Xune

    New Oasis single announced (Video inside)

    It's going to be the brilliant "The Importance Of Being Idle", quite possibly one of the best songs Noel has ever written. Surprisingly the video, available to stream for Media or Real player here, is not to shabby either. Enjoy.
  12. Xune

    Anyone tried Juiced yet?

    I've been playing this for a few days now and I really like it. It's a street racer along the lines of NFS: Underground, however Juiced definitely comes out on top. Cars come in front, rear and 4 wheel drive. Unlike NFSU though, you can actually appreciate these qualities. FWD cars...
  13. Xune

    The Coral - Invisible Invasion

    I don't know why but every time I hear a Coral album for the first time I can't help but think it's the worst thing I've ever heard. But by the third listen it suddenly becomes a brillant piece of work. Their style is like nothing I've ever heard before yet it always seems to have changed...
  14. Xune

    Bots don't like SMG's

    I've been playing CS:S offline with bots limited to using pistols, shotguns and SMG's. However I've noticed that the bots will only ever use pistols or the auto shotty. I know they buy SMG's, because I see them dropped everywhere when they die, the bots just never use them. When I uncheck...