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  1. 15357

    In case anyone thought that I was dead (and cared)

    Nope, still alive. Also made it through the whole officer training deal, somehow. Gonna ship out to Officer Basic Course for a few months and off to the DMZ here I go :D If you want to know details: 25th ("Drakes") Inf. Division, Artillery Regiment, Forward Observer @ FEBA-A (Forward Edge...
  2. 15357

    My somewhat-near-death experience, and ponies

    38C (100F) is a record breaking temperature, even for what constitutes as inland in the Korean peninsula. There I was, in the XXth Reg. 13th Batt. trying to walk in full combat gear with 30kg packs on my back. They hadn't given us any water for this training session, because of supply problems...
  3. 15357


    Said the banner hanging from the front of our barracks. I've gone and completed 6 weeks of preliminary and basic military education, and I just got out today. I was afraid I might wash out, and didn't mention it, but here I am. One thing I've found out about the military is that a lot of...
  4. 15357

    Korean lawmaker throws YS-44 CSN Grenade at fellow lawmakers during session

    Here's a CNN article about it I laughed, then became very sad. Communists are in government now. Btw, the guy wasn't even arrested. He's a member of the Democratic Labor Party, also known as the...
  5. 15357

    A question for those in the UK (or anyone with general WWI knowledge)

    I'm writing a paper on the socioeconomic effects on post-war British society (and conscription policies during the war, etc. etc.) as a result of the annihilation of many "pals battalions" during the early stages of the war (including the Somme). I have my secondary sources ready, with...
  6. 15357

    It's raining like hell here

    This is around 4km from where I live. Apparently it hasn't rained this much since 1989. Currently 500mm, and another 250mm of rain expected to rain today. This is pretty much a third of the average yearly rainfall falling in one day. I live on the third floor, so no worries. I have my...
  7. 15357

    Life troubles

    Hello, It's me again. Recently I've got notification that I've passed the entrance examinations and interviews for my university's ROTC. I'll train for around 2 years then serve my military conscription of 3 years as a commissioned officer. It's what I've always wanted to do...
  8. 15357

    Well, I need to upgrade my hardware...

    It turns out that I was cheated on my 500W PSU. It was a Heroichi thing, with actually great reviews, being cheap and also sturdy. Until some people actually did go and ran some tests on it and it blew up and took the whole computer with it when it was on full load. Anyway, I need to get a...
  9. 15357

    Anybody play Steel Panthers: Main Battle Tank? It's a turn-based combined arms tactical (as opposed to, say The Operational Art of War) combat wargame. It's fairly accurate, although they seem to give anti-tank missiles a bit too much credit. Basically it lets you pit any...
  10. 15357

    Baby Factory What. What the ****. Baby Factory What The ****ing ****.
  11. 15357


    Ok, I couldn't find a translated version of the article, so here's the gist of it. We lent Russia a load of money in the 90s, but they couldn't pay it back, what with economical collapse and all, so they instead paid us in the form of military equipment. That included about 80 T-80U tanks...
  12. 15357

    So, uh, I've gone and colored a tank

    It's an Academy K1A1 Main Battle Tank. I've actually made the thing last year, but never got around to painting it. Over the course of a week, I've slowly gone and painted the thing. It was a 1/35 model, and I only had brushes, so it was a bit hard. Not to mention that my painting skills are...
  13. 15357

    Quick question regarding mathematical constant e

    e defined as lim|x to inf| (1 + 1/x)^x I've been told to prove that the derivative of e^x or (e^x)' = e^x So I went ahead by using the rule for the derivative of inverse functions in which {|inv|f(x)}' = 1/f'(x) and as f(x) = ln x, the derivative f'(x) = 1/x because f'(x) = lim|h...
  14. 15357

    Dawn of War II: Retribution

    So, I ordered this yesterday, being a big fan of Warhammer 40k and the Imperial Guard, and it's very fun. The balance is pretty Ok, for a game with 5 races. And I think they managed to capture the essence of the races fairly well. Anybody else get this game? It's currently more fun than...
  15. 15357

    I've finally realized.... Government is the root of all Evil.

    And we all must do what it takes to bring it down. Powerless as we may remain in the face of the colossus, we all need to realize that it is an evil that must be destroyed. Reality, our reality, is controlled by the government - but they are also controlled by a world order that seeks...
  16. 15357 Anyone with Student Body/Government/Association experience?

    I need to write an article on the differences of the expectations and roles of student government in universities (comparing Korea to whatever). If you could take 5 minutes to answer the questions, I'd be very, very thankful, and may perform a favor of your choice*. NOTE: I don't really care...
  17. 15357

    S. Korean Navy frees hijacked cargo ship, kills Somali pirates Arrrrrr
  18. 15357

    Civil Defense Drills... This is what a Korean CD siren sounds like, if you haven't heard it. Note the F-16 that flies overhead in the middle of the video. It's WAY loud; you cannot hear anything except for the siren and the roar of the fighter jets overhead...
  19. 15357

    Man I feel guilty

    I didn't go to classes today, my excuse being that I was sick. But I wasn't really sick. I was more tired than sick. I've never missed school/class in my whole life, and I know I've been way sicker than I am now, yet I would still go to school. But today, I didn't go, just because I...
  20. 15357

    So I've been playing World of Warcraft

    And it was surprisingly fun. I've always hated MMORPGs, the grind, the stupid quests, inane dungeons, lack of meaningful PvP.... But WoW was actually good. I mean, sure it does take some work, but nothing feels better when you snipe and kill that Lvl 45 Drenei mage/wizard (translation, sorry)...