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  1. DannyC.


    I've never had a place here, but I thought I'd pop in to say goodbye, anyway. Thanks for the two years of fun, you lot. I might log in some time in future if I ever need tech support or something.
  2. DannyC.

    That fricking Gabbly thing.

    I've seen it linked in multiple people's signatures, and I've visited it a few times but no one is ever on! Does anyone even use it? :monkee: :laugh: :devil:
  3. DannyC.

    So yeah... music.

    So as I was saying in another thread, I thought it might be a good idea to get an ipod, or I would probably enjoy just listening to music while I'm at my computer. That would probably a step in the right direction, but.. the problem is as much as I enjoy music, I've never really "gotten into"...
  4. DannyC.

    Parody on Microsoft's new product. Made me laugh hard. I hope it hasn't been posted before. I'm too lazy to figure out how to use video tags.
  5. DannyC.


    Alright, then, I've recently been told that performance issues by my pc are probably from my hardware temperatures, mainly my graphics cards. Here are the temperatures of my hardware at the moment of typing this: mobo: 45 celcius CPU: 27 celcius (I'm pretty sure that's a good temp.) Aux...
  6. DannyC.


    Recently I've noticed that in Garry's Mod, Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike, etc. after a very short while it starts to stutter really bad. I mean, it runs pretty smoothly, but as I'm walking I just seem to keep "jumping". I turned on net graph in Half-Life 2 and I'm usually getting about 40 fps...
  7. DannyC.

    Having problems with FEAR.

    I installed FEAR, but when I try to start it up, it comes up with a box saying that the license date isn't valid yet, and will become valid on 29-08-2005. Do you guys know how to fix this? Thanks.
  8. DannyC.


    Windows is activated, and the gaming is good on my new computer. Just bought Oblivion today, it's fricking mind-blowing. I was just gonna see what classes you guys picked/created. Speaking of that, I've heard from a lot of people with Oblivion or Morrowind, and what's up with everyone picking...
  9. DannyC.

    Yaaay!..... again...

    Alright. That bastard computer, after another healthy supply of problems is all nice and working, internet and all. I could have had it much much much sooner, but I began to get sluggish with it and would work on it, then leave it for a few days to a week. It still has a few bugs and problems...
  10. DannyC.


    I remember that pc building thread of mine having well over 1000 views, so I'm sure many of you are aware that I was building a computer (well, probably from my sig, as well). Now it's almost finished! I've just got a little bit of wiring to do, then I can get it up and running so I can install...
  11. DannyC.

    Meh Power Supply.

    There's one more computer part I'm not certain on: My power supply. I think I have it between the following two, and I'd like if you guys gave your opinions. I chose two that were certified by Nvidia for Sli, because I'm going to use two of their brand new 7800 GTX. I see the prices, and I...
  12. DannyC.

    FEAR: Elite dude's clothing.

    The guy you play as in FEAR, I was just curious as to what he's wearing on his torso because the sleeves look kind of like that of a sweater. I'm certain that nobody would suit him up for combat in a sweater, so I was just curious. What is it? I guess any other apparel he has would be cool to...
  13. DannyC.

    A few fear about F.E.A.R.

    Yes yes, I see the review thread, I've posted in it. But I really don't know if my trivial little problem would be responded to, if it's any different here. Anyhow... I've been looking at for about an hour, and I think it's most likely going to have the best action I've ever...
  14. DannyC.

    Funny console stuff.

    I was just curious as to whether you guys could share any funny or cool stuff that you've done with the console while playing Half-Life 2. Pics and movies would be good. I don't know how to work either of them (do you take a picture with F5? I think tha's it, but I don't know how to find the...
  15. DannyC.

    The Thing.

    Has anybody ever played "The Thing" for Xbox? I rented it a long time ago, and I rented it again the day before yesterday. I loved the movie and I love the game :) Anybody who has seen or heard of the movie (Kurt Russel), it's the same thing, except now you need to weaken them with bullets...
  16. DannyC.

    Load Screens.

    I was just wondering, if you have a faster computer, does it give you fewer loading screens? Not only are they annoying in general, but it ticks me off with things like starting a cool song but having to cut off 30 seconds later.
  17. DannyC.

    Some Counter-Strike info.

    DSL should be up and working tommorow (it was supposed to be installed Friday, but things were going wrong...), and I'd like a little information on the weapons. I know that at the beginning of the round, you should buy weapons from the buy menu. Now, you start with that pistol and the...
  18. DannyC.

    This so-called Battlefield 2.

    Once I have my new computer (see hardware section), I plan on getting this game, it looks pretty cool. But is it similar to Counter-Strike? Halo? Sort of it's own thing? I'd like a little info about it.
  19. DannyC.

    A small question.

    Ok, I got the collectors edition of Half-Life 2, and my brother got the regular copy. The regular one comes with Half-Life 2, deathmatch, counter-strike source, etc., and that's on 5 disks if I can remember correctly. Now, the collecters edition has all that, plus Half-Life 1 source, but comes...
  20. DannyC.

    Cool Tactics.

    This thread is for you to share effective battle tactics that you quickly thought up and performed while playing Half-Life 1 or 2. I created this in the first 2 minutes of thinking to do it, so this is a minor one I can recall: In Half-Life 1, right at the start of Surface Tension, I heard...