Hope it doesn't turn out lame (Freddy vs. Jason).
The trailer doesn't really show anything from the movie, but shows parts of a Predator and Alien.
:eek: http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/avp/large.html
The video is encoded in DivX 5.1, so you'll need the DivX 5.1 codec to watch it. You can download the codec for free, from divx.com
To really appreciate the Source Engine, try to get the full 116 MB Bink version of the Source Tech video.
Just a heads up for you guys, so you don't get fuct over.
Buffer Overrun In RPCSS Service Could Allow Code Execution (824146)
Originally posted: September 10, 2003
Impact of vulnerability: Three new vulnerabilities, the most serious of which could enable an attacker to run...
Just some info for you n00bs who plan on buying a gaming rig. VR-Zone has thrown up their Gaming rigs round-up with systems from Alienware, Falcon Northwest, Overdrive PC, Voodoo PC, and Zeus PC.
In this round-up I will go over the difference between each machine; who builds what, the...
Well this is another game on my "Looking Foward To" list. A few new previews of MP2 came out today, along with some new screenshots, so I thought I should post'em.
pc.ign. com
Just doing good deeds for the coummunity (56kers), which Northwood usually does. It's up on my own webspace, so try not to distribute the link anywhere else other than halflife2.net
Oh and even if you're on a 56k I still urge you to try and download the full bink version of the movie...
Just a heads up for those looking forward to this game, the SP demo of XIII is out and the MP demo is scheduled to be released in a few weeks.
The demo also unleashes the power of ten of the 16 new weapons in Secret Weapons of WWII. Fly and fight at the same time with the experimental German rocket pack, or buzz the skies in one of the new compact dynamo fighter planes—the Axis Natter rocket plane or the Allied F-85 Goblin. Both the...
A german gaming print magazine Gamestar.de reports that ATI plans to bundle Half-Life 2 with its new Radeon 9900.
This speaks against the release speculation, because the offical GOLD release is set to be the 13th of September. More info on that will be revealed by the magazine itself.
Return of the King trailer in quicktime/.mov format, 1:37.
The quality of the trailer is so and so, but I'm pretty sure there'll be a better quality one released soon.
This movie will pwn.