Hey does anyone know if the console versions will also have CSS or HL2DM with them? That would be awsome, although that would be a damn big package ;-p :bounce:
Last night I was whatching G-phoria and they had a quick interview with Doug Lambardi (At least I think thats who it was...it was definately from Valve) and he was talking about HL2:Aftermath and stuff and all was cool but then I think he said something that he wasn't supposed to: He mentioned...
Hi all!
I have a simple question and that is how do you make an NPC say something. since there are sooo many speech files you could pretty much make an entirely new story using the existing stuff, but I dont even know how! Any help or links would be greatly appreciated.
Yeah I guess this is a wierd thing to be posting on a forum at a website for a huge PC game, but what the heck, its the off topic forum. Anyways there are a few websites out there that Im sure you've all seen similar pages to where you can get a free product (In this case, a PSP) by signing up...
If I were to sell this tower (no moniter or anything) how much money do you think I could get if I put in in the paper or made a deal online? Its a dell (Maybe I should hide that ;-) )
P4 2.53ghz processor
512 MB (256x2) RDRAM
80 Gig Hard-drive (I think its 7200rpm but im not positive)...
Ive recently noticed that the Geforce 6600 GT AGP has come out and Im wondering which would be better: that or the standard 128 MB 256 bit Radeon 9800 pro? Id assume the 6600 gt but I hadnt seen much review-wise, so I wanted to check.
Ok ive been going all over the place lookin for a mid-range card, willing to spend between 200-300 dollars, the less the better. I was lookin at the 9800 pro, then xt, then AIW, then BFG6800 oc and some other ones and I just cant really figure out what the heck I want. Do any of you have...
Hi all! I am planning to get a 9800 pro, probably the AIW edition so I can record TV and stuff. However, I dont have a TV in my room, just a open cable outlet. Is there any way that I could hook an AIW directly to the cable outlet and "watch" whats on from my computer and record stuff? Otherwise...
Hi all!
Ive been going back and forth between like 8 cards for that pask few weeks trying to figure out what to get. I figured Id best just wait till around christmas so ther'l be deals and Ill have more money. Ill probably just want to use around 300$ (US). Any reccomendations? I know ways...
Im looking to get a new gfx card but higher powered cards require more power in order to function properly. Is there a program or something that I can use to find out what my power supply is? I dont feel like opening my case.
Hello all!
One thing (of many) I noticed while running SiSfot Sandra was that my motherboard AGP 4x slot had a 128mb aperture size. Does this mean that a 256mb gfx card will not function with it? I found a very nice deal for a 9800xt but not a deal at all if it doesnt even work with my...
Were all very exited and such since half-life 2 went gold, and we only have 29 days to go till its out! But, I was wandering if, since, CSS was released early, if they would release HL:S before HL2 for the people that got silver and gold packages on steam. That way people could replay the...
Thanks for making this forum!!! In case you didnt notice, I've gone crazY! only 29 days to go!!! YIPPEEEE!!!
Time to make an avatar!!
*dies of heart attack* "Shit I hope they have it in heaven...why does it have to be M rated?...."
Well, were all extremely happy that CS:S is released and its loads of fun. But theres stil some content problems.
1: Wheres all the models? Will they release the other models from CS? It just look nice to see them all the same like a suqad or something, but I still think there should be the...
Hello all!
I've decided that some time soon Im going to upgrade my graphics card and ram, especially for Halflife 2. Unfortunately, I've just found out that my dell Dimension 8200 came with pc800 RDRAM, instead off the usuall DDR that most computers have.
Everywher I look though...
Well it seems that 2 of the greatest games ever (supposedly :) ) are coming out soon. By the looks of it, we'll be seeing Halo 2 before Half-life 2. So, if Halo 2 comes out on November 9th, and Half-life 2 comes out like two weeks later, which will you get first?
Hi all, Ive finally narrowed down my gfx card upgrade from my old Geforce 4 Ti4200 64mb to either a 6600gt or a sapphire 9800 pro atlantis. They're both around the same price apparently, though I have yet to see the 6600 GT in AGP format yet. Which would you reccomend for General games (NVidia...
Hello all,
I have a older motherboard from a dell computer (its about 2 years old now) that has PCI support, but I wasnt sure if there were different kinds of PCI buses. When I ran SiSoft Sandra (give lots of info on your computer), it said that it supports 1x 2x and 4x for data transfer...
Some momory, gfx and CPU upgrade Questions
Hi all Im probably going to get some more pieces of memory as my slow old 512mb of mem are getting old for newer stuff. So, I ran Sisoftware Sandra and got a system summary to figure out what kind of mem I got. It says if have 512mb of rdram and then...