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  1. MIWojo11

    Gordans Role

    In HL2 it was said in the end by Dr. Breener that he had "potential bids for freeman", also the same was said by the (G-man) in the very end of HL2 and gordan was set aside till then, just as in HL1, for waiting i presume. By this I assume that both men do work for some other civilization like...
  2. MIWojo11

    DVD: Collectors Edition

    Since the Collectors Edition comes with a DVD instead of CD's. Will you need a DVD-ROM to play it?
  3. MIWojo11

    Ask the valve staff a question!

    I will be visiting the Valve Office in February in Bellvue, Washington. I'll try to make this short, I dont know alot of things to ask when I get there, so I'd like for you guys to ask some stuff to the Half-Life 2 staff or maybe even things to look for. Just let me know who the question is to...
  4. MIWojo11

    Downloading "Half-Life 2 Movies"

    Im downloading "Half-Life 2 Movies" at the moment is anyone else?
  5. MIWojo11

    Half-Life 2 Rating

    If Half-Life got a Mature rating does that mean that you have to be 18 to buy it? I know they havnt released the rating yet. My parents dont support video games so I hope its not Mature. What do you guys think it will get? Sorry if its already been posted.
  6. MIWojo11

    Team Fortress 2?

    When will Valve release info on upcoming tf2? They said after most of their info was released on Half-Life 2, they would talk about tf2. Also whats the difference between tfc2 and tf2? Is tfc2 a mod and is tf2 a game you buy at the store?
  7. MIWojo11


    What exactly are the combine? Are they the soldiers running around in the Half-life 2 Demo's? Are they soldiers? I've only heard that the so called "soldiers" are aliens looking like humans. Oh and what are the new aliens called?