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  1. Slacker

    Looks like Spongebob isn't the only one... Annnnd let the subtle racist and sexist comments...begin!
  2. Slacker

    Ok, what the **** is wrong with my computer

    You may remember a recent thread where I talked about my encounters with Dell's Tech Support. Well, I got a new HDD, got everything set up, yadda yadda. I've had this new HDD for maybe a week, haven't downloaded anything sketchy or been on any sites that could give out viruses, I pretty much...
  3. Slacker

    Dell Customer Support: A Love Story

    So today after a couple of TF2 rounds with my friend, I decide to log off, turn on some music, and do some homework. Right as I click iTunes, my computer freezes. I try a force restart, it doesn't boot. Long story short, I run diagnostics and discover that I have some error "042" I call...
  4. Slacker

    The Greatest SUPPORTING Hero of all time

    Since a pretty fair number of people in the other thread were doing supporting character votes, and the idea of the thread was to list the main character of the game, I figure why not do a thread for the supporting heroes as well :D. Same rules, vote for up to 3, feel free to explain why, etc...
  5. Slacker

    How ****ing cold it is where you are?

    Woke up for morning classes today, 29 degrees outside. It's OCTOBER. What the **** happened to my favorite season?
  6. Slacker

    A friend of mine died last night

    Car accident. Got hit by a drunk driver. To make things even more surreal, she had literally just dropped off another one of my very good friends right before it happened. I've never had a personal friend of mine die before, and she was only 17, just about to turn 18. I'm also in Indiana...
  7. Slacker


    Can anyone recommend a CD-mounter application thingy that isn't Daemon Tools or Alcohol?
  8. Slacker

    Hey law nuts, is this legal?

    I got fired from my job today. My boss took me into his office in the middle of my shift and told me that I'm not making enough progress to his standards, and told me to get out. It says in the employee's manual that he has the right to fire me at anytime for any reason, but I've been told...
  9. Slacker


    Who's got one/Who wants to be LASTFM BUDS!
  10. Slacker

    "Could not connect to Master Server"

    What does this mean? I'm getting it with just about any Steam-based online game, and it doesn't let me find any servers.
  11. Slacker

    Go listen to Kaki King

    Seriously. She's the best thing ever.
  12. Slacker

    Threads like these are why I love the SA forums so much. Seriously, tell me any other forum where a guy can openly talk about sexing his cousin up, and have the topic turn into one big hilarious shitfest.
  13. Slacker


    If you have sex with a girl when she's on PMS, and she keeps PMS'ing, but then she's late, would that be something to worry about? My, er, ceiling fan wants to know...
  14. Slacker

    Hooooly shit..

    THAT'S ROGER EBERT. I want to laugh hysterically and break down at the same time :(
  15. Slacker

    Pokemon Pearl/Diamond

    Anyone else have it yet? I just picked it up today.
  16. Slacker

    So I just talked to my Grandmother

    Brief synopsis of our conversation Her: is life? Me: Oh, it's pretty good. I have a girlfriend now. Her: Oh! Good for you, what's her name! Me: Savannah. Her: Hm, is that spelled with a G, or an S? Me:....I'm pretty sure with an S. Her: Is she white? Me...
  17. Slacker

    COOL! I have a lump on my chest!

    Roughly the size of an almond and I'm seeing a doctor tomorrow to see if it needs operation. I swear if I get breast cancer I'll be the worst man alive.
  18. Slacker

  19. Slacker

    iPod question

    I'm thinking of getting an ipod, but a friend of mine says that you can only put songs on their that you've bought from iTunes, and it's impossible to get torreneted songs. True or false?
  20. Slacker

    Ever wanted to see the process of a corpse decomposing? How about seeing it LIVE?!

    Well, with the wonderful new site of, you CAN! Also look for pictures of homosexuals and their armpits, and (coming soon!) a COLON CAM!