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  1. Alzxul

    Incredibly low framerates

    For some reason all the Steam games which run on the Half-Life engine seem to give very choppy gameplay and really low framerates. I have a 2.4ghz P4 Processor ATi Radeon 9600XT 1024mb RAM On CS:S (which is obviously much more demanding on my system), I usually get an fps of around...
  2. Alzxul

    My First Work: Stalker Signature

    Hi all, this is my first proper go at making a nice looking piece of art. I used Paint Shop Pro 5, and I don't know anything about any other platforms or jargon etc., to do 'photoshopping' and such, so please, forgive my ignorance if I don't understand some comments or what not. I tried lots of...
  3. Alzxul

    Undeletable File

    Hi all, I've been trying to work around this problem for a while, and I've asked many sources all who haven't been able to solve, so I thought I'd my luck here. I downloaded a file off Kazaa (don't ask :dozey: ) which I can't delete. I also can't rename it or move it, and when I try and look...
  4. Alzxul

    Silent Storm

    Has anyone played the demo of Silent Storm? It is basically Jagged Alliance 3, except set in the Second World War.
  5. Alzxul

    HL2 Multiplayer

    I've heard a lot of people speaking about CS2 and other mods for HL2, none of which have been verified, but do you think mods for it will take over? Or do you think that a Half-Life 2 deathmatch will prevail over all due to the game's superb engine. Personally i'd like to see a healthy mixture...