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  1. djkanuk

    Invisible Strider in new screenshots

    Sorry if this has been discussed before, but what's up with the new screenshots , that show some sort of distortion around where the Strider should be, judging from the E3 video? Does the Strider have some sort of cloaking mechanism that makes it invisible? Was this just to show off the new...
  2. djkanuk

    ATI RV360 details revealed

    X-bit labs has the skinny on the new RV360-based ATI cards. This will be my choice for a video card upgrade for Half-Life 2, even though I may have to wait until a bit after the game comes out. The 9800 Pro is nice, and the 9900...
  3. djkanuk

    Sequence of video releases

    Some more speculation on the order of the HL2 media releases... Going by the order the vids are presented in the E3 demonstration, the tech demo/overview of Source engine capabilities (probably 2 vids) should have come after the G-Man. Instead we got Docks and Kleiner's Lab, the next two...
  4. djkanuk link icon?

    Hey hl2netters, does the site half an official link button yet? I checked the main site and couldn't find anything. How 'bout it Munro? Does such a beast exist? I'd like to stick one on my site. If it doesn't exist yet, let's have a contest to design one!:cool:
  5. djkanuk

    Sven Co-Op will be HL2's official co-op mod

    From an interview with Sven at seems to be primed to break some news shortly, and I'm guessing it's that they are working with Valve to provide the co-op play for HL2. Whether this means the Sven Co-Op is the ultra-secret multiplayer option to be...
  6. djkanuk

    Striders: Creature, robot, biomech?

    Do we know for sure yet what exactly striders are yet? They look rather like alien creature (spikies on the legs, crab-like joints and head-shell), but in the screenshot it has painted markings like the Combine soldiers and appears to have built-in laser and that 'warp' weapon, so it could also...
  7. djkanuk

    CS:CZ will come out after HL2

    Planethalflife says that Amazon have put a Oct 30 release date for Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, which means one month after HL2 (assuming both make their release dates). Has Valve dropped the ball here? Will anyone want to play a single-player version of Counter-Strike on the old HL...
  8. djkanuk

    Gamelplay: will HL2 be a hybrid genre?

    From what we know so far about HL2, the gameplay is goes way beyond just simply being a "first-person shooter." While HL1 gameplay was driven mostly by shooting bad guys and jumping puzzles, the new physics system, and improved characters and AI give HL2 many more options for interesting...
  9. djkanuk

    Leading NPCs, whatever the genre

    Basically, I'll play any mod that makes really good use of HL2's new AI. The way the enemies and allies look like they will behave (eg, the Barney scene) would make it fun for a multiplayer game to also include a fair number of NPCs on each team. For example, each human player would get to...