Search results

  1. Iced_Eagle

    Suggestions for projector

    This summer I'll have some expendable cash (thanks Microsoft!) and I want to spend it on getting a projector / sound system. Right now I'm thinking of around $1000 for the projector, with about $500 or so for 5.1 audio. I'm willing to put more into the projector and less into audio, and as a...
  2. Iced_Eagle

    Just got my first job in the games industry!

    I'm officially a programming intern at Airtight Games working on :cheese: I start this Wednesday, and I'm super pumped! :D Just thought I'd share my excitement with all of you. :bounce:
  3. Iced_Eagle

    BF2 complete - $7.50 for Steam Holiday

    Just wanted to give an FYI to everyone that the BF2 complete colleciton is only $7.50 on Steam! I just bought it, so I hope to see other HL2.Net'ers on the battlefield soon :thumbs: This will hold me over for a while until BFBC2 gets here!
  4. Iced_Eagle

    Muse - The Resistance (out Sept 14th, two songs inside)

    Release Date: Sept 14th Track Listing: Uprising: Official (requires registration or else you only get 30 second clip): United States of Eurasia (+Collateral Damage)...
  5. Iced_Eagle

    Building a Robotic Bartender blog!

    Hey guys, I thought some of you might like to check this out. I have decided to build a robotic bartender. In a nutshell, the bartender will be automatically able to mix drinks and pour them (using suction essentially). I just started the blog, and would appreciate any feedback you guys...
  6. Iced_Eagle

    The reason for GFW certification process As much as people dislike GFW, their certification process guarantess that accidents like this don't happen! This isn't the first time this has happened either. Thank god it's digital download though and they can easily push out the correct...
  7. Iced_Eagle

    Calimari is yummy

    I'm someone who is pretty much a hater against sea food. However, this year I made a new years resolution to go and try new things, so I decided to have some good ol calamari (fried squid for those not in the know) and man is it delicious! If you are a fan of onion rings, you will love fried...
  8. Iced_Eagle

    Win7: Play your DirectX10 games using DirectX9 hardware

    I just read on Long Zhen's blog that Microsoft has apparently decided that they are going to be making additional options for people who want to DX10 (more than likely to help get the platform moving!) Article...
  9. Iced_Eagle

    Xbox 360 Preview Program - Who's in?

    All emails have gone out now. I'm not in. :( The update is being pushed to everyone who was selected by/before Nov 1st. For the rest of us normal folk, we get it on Nov 19.
  10. Iced_Eagle

    Windows 7 Revealed

    Even though I've been running Windows 7 for a while now (that's why I kept telling everyone to wait and see for Win7 for fixes to Vista!), our group hasn't had a chance to get the secret features which MS is revealing today... Holy shit are they ****ing sweet. Transitions with animations and eye...
  11. Iced_Eagle

    Official Countdown until unlock! As of posting: :bounce: Also, it's either going to be 1 or 2am PST I believe depending on how it is rounding.
  12. Iced_Eagle

    Windows 7 official name is....

    Windows 7 Personally, I like it. 7 is a lucky number, and the name is already identified with the product from those who know about it. :thumbs:
  13. Iced_Eagle

    LittleBigPlanet Gold! In US Oct 21

    My favorite PS3 game has finally gone gold :cheese: In US / Latin America on Oct 21 In Europe, Australia, and New Zealand on Oct 22 In UK and Ireland on Oct 24 I find it a bit ironic that UK is getting it last, even though the developers are UK based. Anyways, there's a few international...
  14. Iced_Eagle

    Windows 7 Beta 1 rumor / details I'll summarize this article: - Windows 7 beta 1 is currently rumored to be scheduled for December (article says "a week before Xmas) - Windows 7 is going to be officially unveiled at PDC next month - To sign up for the beta when the time comes, go to...
  15. Iced_Eagle

    IE8 Beta 2 Now Available

    Get it: More details: For those using Beta 1, it should be availble as an update via WU.
  16. Iced_Eagle

    Engineering Windows 7 blog A blog from MS on the engineering aspects of Windows 7. It just started this week, so there isn't a lot of content yet, just a long welcome post. TL;DR version: Windows 7 information is coming in October @ PDC.
  17. Iced_Eagle

    Getting a DS tomorrow - What games to get?

    As the title says, I'm buying a refurbished DS Lite from the nintendo employee store for $85 :D I have a few questions though that I'm hoping everyone can answer ASAP. 1) How are refurbished units usually? I'm worried that my screens will be all scratched to hell 2) What are the best games...
  18. Iced_Eagle

    Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts / VivaPinata2 = $37

    So, after realizing that as kick ass as the GoW2 lancer is, there's just a hell of a lot better ways to spend that cash. I found via NeoGaf that both Banjo and VP2 are only $37 on NewEgg. Not a bad deal! Banjo: VP2...
  19. Iced_Eagle

    Gears of War 2 Lancer Replica ($140 including game)

    Amazon link Um, yes please! Just pre-ordered. It includes a free copy of the game as well. :naughty: Unfortunately, it will more than likely be plastic, however it will still look great sitting on a shelf.
  20. Iced_Eagle

    Ghostbusters Game Cancelled?! Nooooooooo! I hope this is just some sort of huge misunderstanding. I guess some further proof is that there was a planned Ghostbustters Q&A at Comic Con that was abrubtly cancelled, with no reason given to the fans on...