Then tonight you may get to see a rare treat!
Sunset Rocket Launch Tuesday May Surprise East Coast Residents
kinda pissed I'm outside of the viewing bubble but if I do see it I'll be one happy camper :)
Pardon my thread title, but I can't help but notice some amazing breakthroughs even in the past year alone in the science community. check this out:
Ephemeral Antimatter Trapped for Amazingly Long 16 Minutes
Anyone watch this new comedy? They just got renewed for a second season all ready and I can't help myself from being addicted to this show. The guys that star in the show, the house they use is really their own house which is weird.
Click the link for some previews
one of my favorite...
Paralyzed man can stand and walk again, thanks to spinal implant
we live in an amazing time. In the past 10 years it seems like everything is going light speed when it comes to tech and...
Plain and simple, what video games are you horrible at? Everyone has some they just will not master or get much better at
I really suck at fighting games, mainly because I can't remember half the combos because my memory is shot so Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur, Street Fighter, you name it, I...
My girlfriend left me...for a week in sunny Florida with her family. I know it sounds stupid but I miss her all ready. This afternoon we cuddled on the couch for nearly 2 hours before she left but I'm missing her all ready. I never felt this deeply about a person before how does one make it...
This is one of those future threads. Just post something you've been pondering about what will happen in the future (any length of time will suffice) and discuss why or why not it'll happen.
Coma patients visiting relatives and friends
I predict in the future at some point, we'll have...
with the addition of more RAM (8GB total), Win 7, and maybe a few other goodies, do you think this offer is worthwhile?? I'd love to get a new rig, seeing as I'm getting roughly $2k back in taxes...
50 Billion Alien Planets May Inhabit Our Milky Way Galaxy
Our galaxy could be home to a whopping 50 billion planets, say scientists working on NASA's Kepler planet-hunting telescope.
More Found Here
I can't believe that number, imagine how long it would take for humans or even robots to even...
Anyone ever recall those crazy ass dreams you have when you are sick or running a fever? Well last night I had plenty. I'm battling the worst sore throat I can remember and although I'm finally feeling better I can recall the craziest batshit dreams I had last night for they felt real.
I hate starting another self help thread but you guys probably get a kick out of them as much as I do. Basically I've been dating this girl from high school since Jan 1st (we hooked up on New Years) which was a friendship at first and everything is going so smooth. I can't even tell you how many...
US Loses Its Fat Supremacy
I for one can eat a horse and still not gain a pound. I have a high metabolism and usually lose the weight I gain from either laughing or just having good genes :D
In case you never believed it before, here we go:
Rainmaking in Middle Eastern Desert: Success or Scam?
Very interesting news regardless how it all swings
Researchers create ultra-fast '1,000 core' processor, Intel also toys with the idea
So yeah still awesome stuff regardless of the limitations. I...