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  1. Lordblackadder

    Alien Vs Predator Review

    OK so I finally broke my long standeing vow never to spend money on a Holywood movie in a theater... I feel so dirty. So the movie basically deals with the origins of human civilization, exploring remote ancient structures and aliens. You know the plot, greedy capitalist spots something and...
  2. Lordblackadder

    E32K4 Video

    Hi everyone, I need a solid link to the Big E32004 Video of HL2. Still don't have the video and the links I know of don't work anymore. Thank you :thumbs: A little something for your time & effort:
  3. Lordblackadder

    Lack of exciting posts

    Yes there is a definite lack of exciting, blood pressure raising, titillating posts in this forum. Have we gotten worn down by all the head fakes, psyche outs coming out of valve. Are you tired of wasting your time on this site, discussing sexual orientation, abortion, horticulture, nail...
  4. Lordblackadder

    New HL2 Enemy..***mor?

    OK I don't remember where I heard this but there is supposed to be a new HL2 enemy: The Butt Crab! :O It latches on to your butt and you can't sit down, instead you walk around yelling "there's a crab on my arse!" and flail at it, smacking your own butt while yelling "who's your daddy...
  5. Lordblackadder

    On the Topic of Zombies

    Hello everyone, So I've been thinking about...zombies, of all things. Not just HL zombies mind you, but all kinds of walking undead which threaten the living. Basically I question the entire premise of most "zombie" movies on the following glaring, yet ignored oversight. In any given...
  6. Lordblackadder

    What gaming machine do you have?

    I know nobody cares, but I just got a new computer.:bounce: Dell Inspiron 2.2Ghz P4 512M RAM (266 Mghz) 15' monitor CD-RW-DVD Compatible And they even threw in a new kitchen sink! Although I'm worried about WinXP compatability. So whatd'a you got?:cheese:
  7. Lordblackadder

    My New Movie - JohnnyEnglish

    Hello I invite all to come and see my new movie, JohnnyEnglish. It is a spoof of James Bond and all the other English spy thrillers. :sniper: And thank you for your support.:cheers:
  8. Lordblackadder

    Win9x games on W2K or WinXP

    This may be a silly question, but are there many games out there that were designed for win9x (like HL1) that will also run on WinXP or Win2K?
  9. Lordblackadder

    Gaming on Laptop

    I've only owned Laptops in my life, so that's where I've done my gaming. Question is: do you think modern laptops are up to spec to run nifty games? Mine have been adequate, and now I'm working on getting a spiffy Dell Notebook before Sept. 30. So do you think a modern laptop is adequate...
  10. Lordblackadder

    Lord Black Adder - Your Favorite Parts?

    Here is the thread so many have been waiting for. Give us your favorite parts from tha Black Adder series. :laugh: Want to rescue French aristocrats with the Scarlet Pimpenrel, steal the Prince's socks, or try to get one over on 'ol walrus face. Or if you just want to make humping motions...
  11. Lordblackadder

    Reclaiming Black Mesa

    Ok. You're the officer in charge of reclaiming the Black Mesa Facility. At your disposal you have a certain # of troops, V-22 Ospreys and Apache Attack choppers, M-1 Tanks and Bradley Fighting Vehicles. The Air Force will be there too. So I'm brainstorming about all the things that...