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  1. tomemozok

    Turkey made a mistake...The world is going bonkers

    Turkey is probably going to pay a big price for that now. As for the world, do you think we are on the brink of all-out war?
  2. tomemozok

    The state of affairs

    We need a new valve game, or this forum is going to die... Cmon valve DELIVER THE GOODS (Sniff sniff)
  3. tomemozok

    Anyone has seen project x on greenlight?

    Here is the greenlight page and here is the story on eurogamer about it. Firstly, i like the idea and the mod/game from what i've seen so far. Secondly, this guy has a really interesting approach (sending a briefcase to valve and all) And lastly, i think this will succeed in being a great...
  4. tomemozok

    Weird arabic spam on the forums.

    There has been some weird arabic spam in around 14 posts that one user started. No idea what it is. Mods look into it plz and remove this thread afterwards.
  5. tomemozok

    An idea that i have for a mod

    i'm considering making a HL story speedrun as a mod, from hl up until ep 2, in source 2. Would anyone want to play that?
  6. tomemozok

    Games supporting DX12

    I would like to make a list of games that support DX 12 now and in the future,so BRING EM UP! I will update this post with the games! Off to research now! Ashes of Singularity benchmark(the first thing with dx12)
  7. tomemozok

    Damn the game breaks all the time

    The steam summer sale breaks all the time, lags and is unplayable. Have you figured out how to make it playable? Anyone knows?
  8. tomemozok

    Someone up for a podcast with me?

    I would like to start a podcast with someone (we can be more than 2) about gaming in general. Anyone passionate enough who would like to talk about games for a long time and is feeling up for the challenge contact me so we can deal out details. I don't plan to make a profit out of the...
  9. tomemozok

    Laptops without windows

    Does anyone know where can i get a laptop without a windows preinstalled in the us? I want to shave off a few bucks, since i don't have so much money. Linux preinstalled is fine as well.
  10. tomemozok

    Making a rainmeter themed desktop

    I should finish it in a couple of hours, to finalize the whole look, and will post the result here. Anyone interested in me uploading it to deviantart?
  11. tomemozok

    found this cruising the internet, thoughts?

    Now before everyone curses me and everything, i know this is fake. The only reason i put it in here is to discuss the look of the shot. I would play the hell out of hl3 if it supports this visuals (not that i wouldn't anyhow) p.s. this makes a good background for your desktop :D
  12. tomemozok

    How is everyone?

    And what's new? Haven't been around in a while, only now do i get the time to visit the forums after a long while, so fill me up !
  13. tomemozok

    Super Hexagon

    I Picked up the game a couple of days ago since it was on sale (0.5 euros for 2 copies) I had no idea what the game was, it was an impulsive buy, since i wanted to play something random, and plus i had a gift to give to a friend of mine. I thought that i will ply it with him for an hour or so...
  14. tomemozok

    7 minute war happened ?

    I know it is probably a running joke in dota 2, but Tinker has a line that says This is starting to remind me of the Seven Minute War! Half of tinkers responses are Half-life references, because Dr.Kleiners voice actor Harry "Hal" Robins is the voice for Tinker, that is obvious. But are they...
  15. tomemozok

    Hiroshi Yamauchi Dies at 85 R.I.P. Sir. You are a legend.
  16. tomemozok

    Does anyone else have problems with steam?

    I have been occasionally getting disconnects from steam servers for some time now (steam,not the game i am playing). The problem is when i want to play a new game (i.e. Dota 2 or a new server for TF2),the game says i am not connected to steam and need to run steam in order to play. And steam...
  17. tomemozok

    Best Mod ever

    Ok,so i want to play some mods that i haven't played, so i want to hear your favorite mods, so i can play them i f i haven't so far. Plus,let this be a vote for us to find the best mod ever :D
  18. tomemozok

    Card Trading (READ RULES!)

    I am probably going to get banned for this,but it's worth a shot. I have an idea and would like to see if it will work out. To Moderators: Lock the thread if you do not agree with it, but just give me a reason for the lock. Ty in advance. Ok,so my idea is to open a thread about steam card...
  19. tomemozok

    HL 2 updated for 31 megs, and HL2-EP2 updated for 723 megs

    Just finished updating,anyone knows what are these updates for? I can't seem to find anything different.