Search results

  1. Draklyne

    Grey Citadel (Group Story)

    It was grey, grey and dull, but mostly grey. Sprawling leisurely over a matter of nearly a century, they city had grown jaded with itself, with its past, and with its colorful flavor. So it left it all behind, and became simply grey. It was in this grey city that Hunter Mark-Simmons...
  2. Draklyne

    Group Story

    I was thinking that a group story would be fun, one with a alternating authors every chapter. Would have to have some way to randomize who began the story though, and then we'd have to have a certain order, otherwise there'd be complete anarchy. Suggestions? Ideas? Flames? Just respond...
  3. Draklyne

    Short Mod Fanfics (by yours truly)

    Some fanfics I've written for mods. . .If I can find them.... Ah, here they are. And so it begins... Hostile Freedom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Halls of Hammerstein A lamp guttered over the abandoned...
  4. Draklyne

    HL2 vs. Doom 3 vs...Torc?

    I don't know who these guys are, but it looks like they're fast becoming rivals to Valve and id. Download it and watch. I think it looks promising, although many elements look "inspired" by Valve or id. You'll see what I mean. some stuff they...
  5. Draklyne

    Chan Mod (repost)

    This is something I dug up from a long time ago just for fun... This mod post is full of ideas and stuff. Be my guest, take a look around =P It's like a time capsule.
  6. Draklyne

    History Quiz - Misinformed Children

    Got this in an email... ____________________________________________ History Quiz The following excerpts are actual answers given on history tests and in Sunday school quizzes by children between 5th and 6th grade ages in Ohio. They were collected over a period of three years by two...
  7. Draklyne

    Amazing sidewalk chalk

    Some amazing pictures on a livejournal... but they're having difficulties with along with the link to the LJ, I'm going to upload them.
  8. Draklyne

    Petition for Creative Writing Forum

    This is a petition for a Creative Writing forum. I've seen a lot of fanfics, and heard many people say that they could write or storytell, yet there isn't an outlet for these things. Posting in other forums is impolite, imo, unless it's in off-topic, which doesn't work for HL2 fanfics. If you...
  9. Draklyne

    A problem of inspiration

    Hail the Art and Design Forum! I've thought up a somewhat-story to go along with my mod system idea, but just as I began to write about the story further...poof. Writer's block, as far as characters go. What I humbly ask for is if you are inspired by my story to draw a character, please...
  10. Draklyne

    8 stories about idiots

    Got these in an email... TOP 8 MORONS OF 2003 1. WILL THE REAL DUMMY PLEASE STAND UP? AT&T fired President John Walter after nine months, saying he lacked intellectual leadership. He received a $26 million severance package. Perhaps it's not Walter who's lacking intelligence. 2. WITH A...
  11. Draklyne

    Mod System Idea

    IMPORTANT TITLE THAT PROMISES GREAT THINGS OF MY IDEAS IF ONLY YOU WILL LET ME JOIN YOUR TEAM AND TAKE OVER AND BECOME SUPREME DICTATOR but of course i'd never do that... Continuing in the tradition of Watership Down, Brian Jacques... Oh, sorry, wrong series. I was thinking of ways...
  12. Draklyne

    Will write short stories...

    *draklyne holds up sign proclaiming, "Will write short stories for free!"* *Turns it around, considers, crossing out "free" and scribbling some more. "FOOD," has been appended to the end. After a moment's pause, adds "Do not send thru mail."*
  13. Draklyne

    Mod feature idea

    since it's highly likely that I won't be involved with a mod, I thought I'd better just divulge an idea of mine so it won't bother me anymore. It has to do with jumping. It would also be beneficial if your mouse was a scroll and tilt mouse. Allow me to explain. The mod is in thirdperson...
  14. Draklyne

    Antec Shocks Customers

    Shocking story Antec should be in some serious trouble for this disgusting behavior.
  15. Draklyne

    TheInq Mocks Netizens

    The Inquirer, Ridiculing Illiteracy, Americans And, well, whatever else they feel like on any given day. I'm not sure if the forum-goers quoted by TheInq Well are from, but I thought I saw a few recognizable quotes. TheInquirer gave out awards at the end though! Here's a clip:
  16. Draklyne

    Hardware Bottlenecks

    I have a feeling that my computer could be performing better. When the radeon 9700 pro first came out, ATI bragged that they were getting 50 fps on Animusic's Pipedream. Yet, my computer gets a mere 30 fps, using FRAPS. What's wrong with my computer? Specs: MSI 845G Motherboard...
  17. Draklyne

    It's moving...I think

    This is mind-boggling. Note: Please take 15 minute breaks between every hour of staring at this. Otherwise you will lose the contents of your stomach. Believe me.
  18. Draklyne

    Death of a mod

    The man sobbed hysterically at first, until his mind began to calculate. Cradling the bundle closer to his chest, he stopped crying abruptly and rose to his feet like a zombie. His eyes were in the shadow of the sun as he began to walk. To the Mod Sematary. He knew it was forbidden Indian...
  19. Draklyne

    L Technologies debuts

    I haven't stuck around this forum much, so I don't know if this is redundant but... Dear G-d, this PC vendor made me salivate. The site is, and their "Hollywood" laptop has a 17" WXGA screen at 1440x900 resolution. Meanwhile, on the desktop front, they are selling P4 systems...
  20. Draklyne

    Doom 3 miscellany

    Doom III mp shots Doom III mp impressions (Courtesy of HomeLan Fed) Took these right off HardOCP's site. Shame on me. I have to say, those shots are incredible. I can barely imagine fragging in a game as detailed as Doom ]|[. It looks like a rendered cut-scene from older games...