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    Comp cant load CD ROM Drives

    Hey, randomly my computer stopped loading the cd drives. I go to hardware manager and it has exclamation marks above both drives. When i double click on this this is what it says: Device status: Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or...
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    Hey, i was wondering what kind of drawing tablets you recommended. thanks!
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    followin freeman help

    Im at the part when you get outside of a building and this giant laser beam is shooting you from above. Barney says , "youre not gonna hurt that thign from down here, we have to get inside" or some shit, and i dont know where to go. ive ran around looking for shit to do, but i cant find...
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    Entanglement help

    Hey im on entangelment, and i need some help. im at the place where you have to set up 3 turrets to guard you, and i cannot get past it. can you guys give me some strategies? thanks.
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    BaNDiTs Art Thread (W.I.P and Finished)

    Hey, i saw Dark Elfs insane thread and decided to start up my own where i can just post all my art crap. Anyways, i started painting on my comp yesterday and have some W.I.Ps to show you: Comment on them please. I will also put down some drawings i have made from boredom. Comments please...
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    Sky Tutorials

    Does anyone know any good tutorials for how to make a sky in painter? Thanks.
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    What do i need to get started?

    Hey, im a pretty good drawer w/ a pencil, but i wanna get good at comp art. what programs do you guys suggest i use, and what tutorials do you guys know of that are good for like a dark pastel look? thanks.
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    Cable internet not efficient.

    Hi, i have a 5mb Cable connection which doesnt go as fast as it should. My average download speed is probably around 400k/s. I know it should be MUCh faster. What can i do to speed up my connection? I heard that you can somehow regulate the download speeds or something. anyways, please help...
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    Cool videos youve shot

    Hey, i cant play the game yet cuz my gfx card is ****ed up, but im curious to see what cool stuff people have done. Post your vids and please include a spoiler mark if its a spoiler.
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    What is wrong?

    Hey, It looks like my 9700Pro is overheating, but idk. There are constantly blue blocks on my comp and they rarely go away. They are even present on startup after the comp has been of for hours. I have tried downloading ATItool and lowering some clock speeds, but unfortunately that did not...
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    overheating problems

    i have a 9700pro and it has some overheating problems which cause my screen to have turquoise blocks on it. my card rarely isnt over heating. does anyone know how i can solve this issue? i tried opening my case and putting a fan in it but that doesnt seem to work. what can i do? thanks.
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    Trophy Shots *no spoilers*

    Post your best shots, and try to avoid showing spoilers!
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    Obscene! Cannot get cable to work!

    Alrighty, so here is what happened: I got a cable modem set up but i cannot get my comp to use it. I tried it w/ my dads mac. and it worked fine, but no matter what i do on my comp it will not work. I tried to do multiple Wizards, but they havent done shit. Im using an onboard lan card w/...
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    alternative drivers

    Well, sinse catalysts keep ****ing up my comp ive decided to take a different approach; so if anyone can suggest some other companies that make drivers for ATI cards please tell me what their names are and the site if possible. thanks.
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    Can you give me some advice

    Hey, i was curious if the difference between these cards was significant: X800XT (Mem: 1000 MHz Core: 500MHz) X800XTPE (Mem: 1120MHz Core: 520MHz) I have been looking for the Platinum edition for months and cannot find anything available (even OEM). So, do you guys think i should just...
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    the 4.12 Betas messed up my comp

    Alright, so here is what happened: i had the 4.9catalysts on my comp. im running a 9700 pro w/ a x8xt pe on the way. Anyways, when i put the 4.12 betas on my comp, the screen got all jumbled w/ shit everywhere like it is overheating insanely. I tried uninstalling the drivers and cleaning them...
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    Hey, i got a question. Does anyone know of a place which has a X800 XT w/ PE Speeds in stock? thanks.
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    found Sapphire X800XT PE in stock!

    Yup, i found Sapphire X800XT PE OEM (i know,but o well). They are 549.00 Dollars which isnt too bad at all. PM me if you're interested, and i can give you the link. They're in stock, but im guessing this wont last for too long.
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    Saphire X800XT

    Hey, i found a Sapphire X800XT w/ clockspeeds: 520 / 1120 (These are Platinum Edition Speeds (correct me if im wrong)). Anyways does anyone know any good or bad things about this card? Thanks.
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    File Corruption

    Alright, so im having problems with downloads. I downlaoded the ATI Control Center, but when i run the executable it gets like 1/4 of the way done extracting, then it says the file is corrupt. The same tyhing happened with another file, twice.... Am i just getting unlucky downloads or is...