Hey guys, i thought i'd make an appearance again,
/me looks around at all the new faces.... erm, o..k...
/me edges away from them all and goes back to his shadowy corner...
Hey FarrowLeSparrow why you not a SuperMod yet?!?!?
The HL2.net Apartments Project
Formally known as Stone's Pet Project
This is a project (possibly to be a contest) that gives you a chance to show off you creativity, Humour, modelling and Skinning skills all...
I recently had a crash, where my computer wouldn't display windows, but would display everything else (ie booting up)
so i booted in Safe mode and reinstalled all the drivers for the graphics card and that seemed to sort it out, but now when i go into display, when i click the settings tab, it...
Well it's been and gone that time of the week again people....sorry bout that, had lots of stuff to do recently, been getting on top of me.....
/me makes note to self to be more organised.....
anywho, time to vote people, the entries are in the thread link below......so go and vote...
Fortnightly Modelling Contest Number 2: Discussion
Use this thread to discuss this week's entries. Compliments and constructive criticism are encouraged here, so long as it is kept constructive
Fortnightly Modelling Contest 2
Fortnightly Modelling Contest 2
Fortnightly Modelling CONTEST: Contest 2
This is a regular contest on the boards. Every week a...
Fortnightly Modelling Contest Number 1: Discussion
Use this thread to discuss this week's entries. Compliments and constructive criticism are encouraged here, so long as it is kept constructive
hey guys,
I thought for once I'd turn the tables, I've tried to be here for people with emotional worries on this board, from women, to dreams, i've always tried to give valuble advice....but now I think i need to open up and let out my heart....
These alst weeks have been hard, I am...
Hey all you lovely people,
this is just a thread for a model and a request,
I am currently in search of T-32 blueprints, but i cant find any anywhere...
so i've come to my loveable community to ask for help...has anyone got any good referance images, or blueprints that i could have?
Right, Finally one of my first exibitions of my own art work....
My Retro Art....
SOME RANDOM HALFLIFE2.NET USER (you know who you are)
right, I've been playing Puzzle Pirates for ever since it was posted onto these forums....but it is now leaving the Beta Stages and soon I will have to pay for it.....which I cannot afford...
So I'm Asking this question, does anyoen know any MMORPGs
I've tried:
Puzzle Pirates...
Sorry, for this but i was randomly searching on the internet, and I found this....
Unfortunatly you have to register to play, but meh....
If someones got an other link to it that would be good :P
Anywhom, it reminded me of the good...
This is a quick WIP, derived from a fruadeon (SP?) slip that i made earilier today while talking to HAZZA on msn
Anywhom, this is a WIP so C&C welcome, oh and also, I need a qoute thing for underneath it instead of the "Deadly Alliance", so ideas welcome,
MrBadger has already sugested...
Again this is another Sticky Thread,
this time post your Tutorials...
Remember Don't start conversation in here please just post those loverly Tutorials.....
Here's a few that we're posted by 3Ddull (i think sorry if i'm wrong) a while back.....
This Sticky is as the Title says for Referance material sites, please do not talk in this thread, as and conv will be deleted, no matter what it includes, please only include links to sites, thank you STONE
Vakuum Referance
Knives: http://knifedealer.net/
Right, so as not to Hi-jack anyones South park thread I've started my own to show off my creations using the South-park thingy...
which can be found here
right here goes:
Firstly HL2.net people.....
STONE (me)
STONE (from way back in high school)
STONE (from the...
...Right, this isn't half-life modelling but its still modelling, so this is the correct forum... I thinks....
I have been bored, so I have started a pet project, i am going to model all of my house in 3D, that includes every last object inside as well... (should pass the time :P)...here's...
Right, I've had people complain that they never see any of my models, so here are some old and some new images of some of my models for the upcoming mod OPERATION EVERLASTING SHADOW:
P90 (by Stone)
2026 polies
British Commando Knife (By Stone)
182 polies (thats all the...