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  1. Argyll

    Join Date: May 2003

    Not sure if this is the right section for this topic... but I should know by now :borg: Who has all been around since May of 2003 (or sooner)? We should be an exclusive club for wasting our time here for so long :cheers:
  2. Argyll

    INS Dead, Spearin Studios Born

  3. Argyll

    Competition Among Mods

    Here's a little rant. Why do some people in the mod community have to go to such lengths to disrupt other mods? It seems that competition can get so strong and that it only has a negative affect on things. If there is a mod out there and you see it as competition, what is the point in...
  4. Argyll

    "Major" Mods' Statuses...

    What stage are most 'major' (i.e. total conversion) mods at this point in time? The SDK has been around for a couple months now and there has been ample time for artwork to be created. These are in no way official stages, just ones I have come up with: Stage 1 (Pre-Dev. Planning) -- This...
  5. Argyll

    Small Grid?

    I seem to have the Half-Life sized grid in Hammer 4.0... I haven't even installed the older versions of Hammer or Worldcraft on this system, yet the grid is only 16384 x 16384 units. Anyone else have this problem and solved it? Or just plain know how to get it configured properly to having...
  6. Argyll

    Listen up... (SDK FAQ & Tips)

    The Source Development Kit... SDK. Many of you have downloaded it and are eager to start on your development with Source - big or small. These tools are probably not for everyone. I'll tell you right now, I am quite experienced with Hammer since its Worldcraft days and yet I still need to...
  7. Argyll

    LGW Closes Doors :( Half-Life 2 loses one of the more established and quality mods. It might be revived though.
  8. Argyll

    Coder Needed

    Operation: CO-IN has a strong and talented team for a mod with a well developed and unique concept. We are in need of a dedicated and experienced coder with the following experience: - 2+ Years with C++ - Able to work well with a team. - Able to dedicate time to the mod on a daily basis...
  9. Argyll

    My NEW Digital Camera!

    Just 2 hours ago, I was Christmas shopping and for myself I bought a... Canon PowerShoot S400 4.0 Mega Pixels 3x Optical Zoom 3.6x Digital Zoom Up to 3 minute Video recording w/Audio Shutter Speed 15-1/2000 sec. Aperture Range f2.8-4.9/f7.1 - 13 35mm Equivalent Zoom 36 - 108 mm...
  10. Argyll

    New Op: CO-IN Renders!

    As the topic states... Guerrillas: Colt 1911A1 [Skinned] - Model: Jeremy - Skin: DarkNemisis AK-47 - Model: Spydr AK-47S - Model: Spydr AK-74SU - Model: Spydr Britain: SA80 L85 - Model: Jeremy USA: M4 Carbine - Model: Spydr As you can see, we are...
  11. Argyll

    Operation: CO-IN Update...

    The realistic modern infantry combat mod, Operation: CO-IN, has some news to share! First off, we would like to welcome Polygon and DarkNemisis to the team as skinners! There are also updates to the weapon models: The M16s have been redone by Spydr and the Colt 1911 is brand...
  12. Argyll

    First Invision Forum Skin...

    I would just like some comments/criticism/suggestions for improvement of my first Invision Board Skin... Maybe you fellow 'artistic' people can give some good feedback rather than what I'm used to on my Forums of the fans giving me praise :P
  13. Argyll

    Operation: CO-IN Hiring...

    The Operation: CO-IN Mod is now hiring experienced and talented artists in the following positions: - Weapon Model Skinner - Player Model Skinner - Player Model Animator Some models that require skinning: If you are interested, you can contact us (Argyll in particular) on our...
  14. Argyll

    Latest Pimpage

    New Op: CO-IN Website: Gamesnet IRC: #opcoin :cheers:
  15. Argyll

    Going for a while...

    0700 Tomorrow morning I will be leaving the JFA Armoury in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada to CFB Petawawa, Ontario (near Ottawa) for a week and a bit long training exercise. It will be quite the experience! Especially being Infantry and not some REMF*. I will take photos and post them here if...
  16. Argyll

    Diemaco C7 (Skinned)

    Here are some pics (not renders) of Operation: CO-IN's skinned Diemaco C7 which will be seen in the Canadian Version: Model: Spydr Skin: MG There are still a couple of minor details that will be changed, although most of you won't know them, but I notice because I use the C7A1...
  17. Argyll

    Steam Videos set straight?

    Well, so far it appears that Valve has done something right and it could be full steam ahead (pardon the pun) for the videos! Let's hope! So far, they release a vid, pre-download next one, release the pre-downloaded vid next day. /me crosses fingers that this continues to happen on a...
  18. Argyll

    "New" Mod

    You guys should check this mod out: Resistance & Liberation -- used to be for UT2K3 -- now for HL2 I don't work for this mod, but they have their sites straight. They have some excellent media, especially player models. The site content isn't up...
  19. Argyll

    More Op: CO-IN Pimpage

    Here are the most recent renders from Operation: CO-IN - M16 Family C7 Family Remington 870 RPG AKS-47 Skinned Enjoy! :D Comments and (Constructive) Criticism is welcome.
  20. Argyll

    Mods signing with publishers?

    What are your opinions if a mod team would sign with a publisher if approached? This would mean that the mod would become a game and no longer become a free mod. Thoughts?