The only way to be sure is what Peqkx said, make him fear for his life and you'd be amazed at all the things he admits. He'll even tell you about the time he wet the bed.
cable has varied bandwidths as well as dsl. possibly pick a style of dsl and the throughput of the cable line and we can test more accurately.
cable = depends how many peoeple are on the same cable nodes and fiber lines near the user
dsl = depends on the distance away from the...
Ding Ding Ding Ding...winner!!!
Saying that cable is faster than DSL or viceversa is like saying a 5 year old driving an F1 car is faster than a pro racer driving the same car.
Actually, I'm just going to preload HL2 with my new account, then purchase the Silver Pack when it comes out. The silver package comes with the backorder anyway so it's all good.
you're name must be true!!!
seriously though, everyone will have to preload cs:s when it comes out "early" right? cept beta testers...then when they release steam packages, everyone will have to preload dod:s and hl:s.....unless valve cleverly has hidden the source upgrades amongst the hl2...
Thanks, I don't know if a trust ebay sellers. They could have already registered the key with Steam. I need something sealed. Ahh well...$20 isnt all that much. Thx all.
I decided to go with the Steam package, but I want my hl1/cs1/dod1 on a different steam account than cs:s/dod:s/hl2. So I'm looking for the cheapest online retailer who sells hl1.
EB and gamestop only sell the game of the year edition at $20. Anyone know of any online retailers who sell if...