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  1. J

    XFIRE/Clan Organization

    XFire: x3vaek Location: US - Illinois Clan: If possible.. Roles: Special Ops/Sniper Vehicles: Helicopter/Tanks/Light Vehicles
  2. J

    18 year old kills 5 & himself on day of graduation :rolleyes:
  3. J

    hands above the sheets!

    Circle jerk :naughty:
  4. J

    Fix the link colour, dang nammit!

    Now that it's changed, please go back.. this nasty shade of red isn't cutting it ;)
  5. J

    My PSP and DS Competition.

    Am I too late? /me sniffs
  6. J

    First Driving lesson tomorrow! Help!

    Oh man, I remember the first time two years ago my school instructor took me out in the Taurus. Not good. I nearly hit the curb at my first turn because I didn't turn enough. Otherwise, it just takes practice. Learning how to drive is the easy part, it's the decisions that you must make on...
  7. J

    And in the mail today...

    I got two of those in my sophomore and junior years. I didn't go, didn't feel like dishing out 2 grand for a 1 week trip. My friends who have went said it was fun, so I hope you have a good time ;)
  8. J

    typing skillz

    Your score: 477 keys per minute ~ 95 words per minute Language/mode: en Ranking: Very fast. Comparison: 7% of registered TyperA users using this language have typed a better result; 93% have a lower or equal result. Years of instant messanging :P
  9. J


    I got mine on my 18th birthday, which is extremely late in the area I live in. I see 6th graders walking home with cell phones when I drive past them. It makes me puke.
  10. J

    New Ipod (wow this thing sucks)

    Now I agree with all your other statements about the iPod Shuffle, let's just get some facts straight before we bash that pitiful thing some more :)
  11. J


    Over in the suburbs of Chicago, we've seen about 3 inches so far with more to come.. yay.
  12. J

    Age of Empires 3

    Didn't like those pictures? Check this.. My they are originally.. I can't wait.
  13. J

    Age of Empires 3 has a couple of small new screens of AoE3. So far it looks damn good, almost too damn good. And yes, that teaser shot does seem to be in-game. Head on over?
  14. J

    Radeon x800

    I would say there's quite an improvement when looking at the 6800GT over the 6800 vanilla. You could probably find some benchmark sites like [H]ardOCP that can show you what I mean. However the 6800 vanilla is still a great card.
  15. J

    Geforce FX5700LE

    I believe the FX5700 runs Half-Life 2 in DirectX 8.1 mode, thus leaving out water reflections (although that can be patched) and some minor visual improvements that DirectX 9 can offer. Don't be discouraged though -- Half-Life 2 will still look and run great on that card :)
  16. J

    Will I be CPU Limited?? Please read

    By the time Unreal III comes out, or any game in 2005 comes out, I'll have more important things on my hand. And the whole 9600XT/9800Pro/6600GT deal is because of money contraints. I'm about to go to college and I don't have the time or the money to play games anymore. Besides, I don't see...
  17. J

    Will I be CPU Limited?? Please read

    I've got a Pentium 4 2.66 GHz with 512MB PC-2700 RAM and a BFG 6800GT OC. The sad thing was it would run at the same FPS on almost all the resolutions (excluding 1600x1200, as that gave a little performance hit). However I would run everything on High with 4xAA/8xAF and get about 50FPS...
  18. J

    Show us your desktop! (56k, beware!)

    I should get me one of those themes.. Luna blows. Click me..
  19. J

    iPod woes...

    I've said it once and I'll say it again.. once you 'pod you don't go back.
  20. J

    boxes are black plze help :(

    Happens to me sometimes when I minimize. The problem can usually be fixed by rejoining the server.