Hey, this is way off topic, but you guys that are going to get to test are going to supply plently of screen shots for those of us who cant. I need to buy new tubes for my amp, thus, no money for cz. right? buddies? friends?
the shield didnt require much skill at all, just common sence. With a deagle its SO CHEAP. Cover up, look at the guy, aim at his head, uncover, shoot. the 5 step program to cheap kills. I always felt dirty using it.
I do belive that all weapons can shoot through the vent on assault. That is one layer. Unless I'm wrong. In which case, I would be wrong. Which would make me mistaken. which means I'm wrong. Which means that I'm mistaken, which means I'm wrong. But I dont think I am.
deep down, honestly I think the shield was a cop-out answer to some really poorly designed hostage maps. examples: assault, siege(used to be good, but and the weapons and gameplay changed, the map didnt like it), and militia.
The reason that you can shoot through wall so thick in CS has nothing to do with out thick the walls are. The engine just sees layers. The aztec looking thinks on aztec are just 2 layers, so certain weapons can go through them. all gun can go through 1(last I checked) and some can go...
I am kind of glad to see the shield go. IT CHANGED GAMEPLAY. Thats the last thing you want to do, completely change a games gameplay with a patch. Now, I'm not a huge fan of the awp, but the shield was not a reasonable answer. there was a much better solution : increase running speed. POW...
The thing is, CS2 when it does come, has a HUGE game to follow up. Quite possiblely the biggest game. I just pray it wont be a matrix trilogy type thing.
I agree. It was my favorite game for the longest time. And at the time it was a good idea for a netcode. Because of limiting connection speeds and what not.
You know what net code I loved? The Jedi Knight net code. No dedicated servers, and every player "shares" the lag. Not to mention no cheat protection. So cool. worst Idea ever.
I serious never have had a major problem with awp other than its a bit easy. Faster running speed, and pow, its harder. I think it would make it more fun to awp.
I doubt vavle would make CS2 boring generic. I would kind of like to see a happy mix of TFC and CS for it though. And A little bit faster, Just a tiny bit, to keep things more lively, and to keep the distance from other tatical shooters. but also, the speed would help to counter act awping...