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    New Mass Effect Vid

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    Would you consider PS: T Art?

    I've heard this talked about numerous times on other forums. So, for interest's sake I'd like others opinions on this topic. So...would you consider Black Isle's CRPG Planescape: Torment Art?
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    Meat diet boosts kids' growth Found this pretty informative. I personally thought meat didn't have such a profound effect on childhood growth. Guess I was wrong.
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    Article: Why doesn't Evolution get rid of ugly people? Just read this after waking up, so I have to intelligible comment atm.
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    The Mars Volta

    So, I've been hearing alot about The Mars Volta for some reason. Are they any good? If so, which albums should I start out with?
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    Spore Date Misinformation Just click it.
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    id software working on new franchise Thought some of you might find this worth reading.
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    NWN2 Expansion--Mask of the Betrayer This is a slightly old preview for NWN2's expansion Mask of the Betrayer. I'm actually pumped for this addon, mainly because Obsidian stated that is has many similiarities...
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    Egyptian Afterlife vid Watching atm, will give comments later. It's interesting, anyway.
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    Bad Religion--New Song (YouTube Vid)

    Here's a link to a song off of BR's new album "New Maps of Hell," called "Honest Goodbye." I already like it more than most of the songs off of TESF, of course that could be just because it's new, though.
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    Dark Tranquillity's "Fiction"

    DT has just put out another amazing release with their album entitled "Fiction." Yes, they are a metal band, but unlike most, they are actually good, excellent really. This new album is proof of that I think. Most metal bands never approach the kind of innovation/melody that DT does. To...
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    About that whole death thing...

    I found this very interesting. A bit odd, though.
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    Do you believe in an "afterlife"?

    This is just me being curious. So...who here believes in an afterlife? And why? (whether it be a religious or "philosophical" reason). This should be interesting (hopefully).
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    'Gay Baby' Article Angers Both Sides Two words: holy shit
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    Empire Earth 3 preview;title;1&om_act=convert&om_clk=topslot enjoy...or not.
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    Wal-Mart interests in India There you have it folks..
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    Man found dead in front of TV
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    Is Psychonauts worth getting?

    Heard alot about this game, good things mostly. But I need details. How long (roughly) is the gameplay time?, is the plot any good? Will it keep me interested from start to finish? (assuming I have an average attention span).
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    Hannibal Rising

    Who among the hl2n.netters are gonna sit in front of the big screen and watch Hannibal Rising? I'm not sure if I will see it as Hopkins was the main reason why I liked the first two so much. I'll wait for the reviews, I guess.
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    Spider-Man 3 game preview!;title;1&om_act=convert&om_clk=topslot I'm quite excited about this. The screens look amazing, especially the ones showcasing spidey's black suit. Also, it's coming out close to the movie's release or spot on...