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  1. Cleric


    HAhaha, pld stormy, me an jono were wondering how you would get it setup, nice to know your enjoying it as much as i am :D anyhow, needs more HL2 :afro:
  2. Cleric

    How much $$$$?

    i spend about £900 on my PC without getting a new graphics card, so thats around $1600!! Im just waiting for the next ATI card sometime next year, an then i will be 100% poor an living off porrage and beer!
  3. Cleric

    Is it REALLY coming out on the 16th?

    I work in a GAME store and we have been doing pre-orders for ages, we have a whole wall of HL2 cases up!! The reason for lack of hype is that with GTA an Halo2 coming out around this time it has ment that alot of the advert space has been taken up with other things. The company that spends the...
  4. Cleric

    Gold Package just arrived, yay!

    Please stop!! im a poor student but it looks like i will have to stop being drunk for a while an spend my money on this instead!! btw thanks for posting the pics, they are actually really sweet!!!
  5. Cleric

    Choose the (possible) second community project

    I have to agree with Sorze, i think that seeing as there are loads of mods already going a machinima project would be an amasing idea! The poll wouldn't have to be changed as you could do a sci-fi based story and it would give people a chance to try something different and not just clone one...
  6. Cleric

    T-shirt gone AWOL?

    Damn, well cheers for your help
  7. Cleric

    T-shirt gone AWOL?

    Cheers for the info, but if i bought the Gold package over steam would the collectors box that comes with that contain the t-shirt??
  8. Cleric

    T-shirt gone AWOL?

    I have looked through the other posts on here about the HL2 releases an none of them say what is exactly in the collector's box! Is the collector's box where the t-shirt is or has it just been scrapped? if this has already been brought up I apologise but that is the main thing I wanted out...
  9. Cleric

    CS:S crashes, pic inside

    My CS worked fine but then i turned up the graphics just to see if my PC could take it and i got that error, i then turned the Anti-aliasing and antistropic filtering back down and it worked fine again! It could just be it doesn't like the really high graphics settings.
  10. Cleric

    HL2 pirated and released in russia!

    yeah i know but still, how could they get away with just shoving the beta on a CD?
  11. Cleric

    HL2 pirated and released in russia!

    i dont know if this has been posted before or not but some shop in russia has HL2 on the shelves and is selling it :frown: check out the article
  12. Cleric

    Anarchy in the UK

    Both and have the release date set as 30th of september. Gameplay is UKs largest online game supplier so im going to trust them.
  13. Cleric

    Preordering questions

    No one has any news about the special edition.
  14. Cleric

    HL2 big press release location!

    Apparently HL2 will have its big first showing in none other than.....ALCATRAZ!!! Apparently as alot of the game is played in a prison they thought it would make a good place to do the official press conference :cool...
  15. Cleric

    no DBZ mod yet?

    there is a DBZ mod being made, jus go check out its listed on there...
  16. Cleric

    Where is everyone from ?

    London, England :cheers:
  17. Cleric


    Man that is damn good, do you have any other angles we could see it from?
  18. Cleric

    Kickin' in some doors

    There could be a "kick" button like there was in duke 3D it was great to kick people that were up close an would be great fun in HL2, you could kick people down stairs, kick in doors, kick shit over, even play football!!! (Soccer for you yanks) im pretty sure this would be an easy mod to do.
  19. Cleric

    This has been bugging me for a while...

    YOU CAN SEE HER BURGER!!! Im a bear...up a tree...on hamstead heath!! ahem, well like they said, its just her zip...
  20. Cleric

    Special HL2 pre-order deal

    fair play