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  1. noQ

    Who is still here from the good old days?

    lurking since 2003 ? (reg'd at 2004 i see)I never bothered to post because someone already probably had expressed my opinion and couldn't be bothered to just post +1 and yes. bouncing boobs plox
  2. noQ

    Tablet PCs and Netbooks

    Just got myself a Lenovo x60s (a 12inch notebook), yeah I know it's old, but added another gb of ram and changed the harddrive and got a 8 cell battery and now it rocks! If you are going for a small notebook I have to reccomend IBM/Lenovo laptops because they have great warranty, super sturdy...
  3. noQ

    The War on Czars

    lol @ US media.
  4. noQ


    Mentally ill practicing conscious natural selection. Great.
  5. noQ

    What'd I miss?

    Welcome back Urinal. Soon my own compulsory conscription begins so yeah. Hooray and all that.
  6. noQ

    North Korea Sentences 2 U.S. Journalists to 12 years of labor

    Wrong thread much ?
  7. noQ

    Mexico Senate OKs bill to legalize drug possesion

    This is great news. Drug problems should be/are a medical issue not a criminal issue. If you criminalize and demonize drugs like the current popular policies are doing, you divide the population into two: the "normal" citizens and HORRIBLE CRIMINALSCUM JUNKIES. The only way an heroin-addict can...
  8. noQ

    Today's my birthday...

    Please go to the border and piss in your hands and throw it over to the north. Or do this with poop. Either way happy adulthood or some shit.
  9. noQ

    2019: $9,300,000,000,000 worth of red ink

    I would really like to know how much is taught about politics/economics/society in America's compulsory education. After seeing these "teaparties" and more right-wing actions I'm really wondering how educated is the American public on taxing, socialism, economics, capitalism. It seems to me...
  10. noQ

    Car crashed!

    +1 Exactly my thoughts.
  11. noQ

    So my parents found some drugs one me

    Oh man you're just spoilt, you never had it the hard way, you mother....... j/k, I'm just jealous. Infact my parents probably know about my smoking, because one stupid ass neighbor was picking mushrooms in the wrong place and found my plants. She blamed her husband, he called my parents and...
  12. noQ

    Ever been arrested?

    Some 6 years back I was arrested because I was drunk and underage (just standing and waiting for a taxi to go home, assholes just stuck breathalyzers to our faces ). My brother had the same shit as well, but he is 3 years older than me and only he got a minor fine. A few months ago I got a minor...
  13. noQ

    Do you drink? (alcohol you numnuts)

    It is healthy if used moderately with food, but if drunk like other beverages it still damages your liver and central nervous system just like vodka and yadda yadda yadda.
  14. noQ

    Ron Paul on Marijuana Radio

    I wouldn't vote him for president but makes a pretty good case about the subject.
  15. noQ

    North Korea begins preparations to launch Satellite into space.

    Why do these kind of states still exist in this day ? How is it f-ing possible ? Civil oppressions , torture, brainwashing and genocide must work real well to that cause. I wonder when these people will be free. Yet I think they shouldn't be freed with Bushy-Iraq strategies even though the WMDs...
  16. noQ

    Do you drink? (alcohol you numnuts)

    As I enjoy beer, wine (especially with food) and some occasional rum I prefer the herb. Can't stand hangovers nor the problems and violence alcohol causes in the society. It is unhealthy as hell as well if drunk like a drunk.
  17. noQ

    California bill seeks to legalize/regulate marijuana

    I think legalizing pot isn't a laughing matter. I find his answer pretty pathetic. Most of the people who voted for him and asked this question should atleast get a decent answer. A bit more than just "no, I do not think so". The relatives of who suffer or have past away due to the problems...
  18. noQ

    at what age did you first have sex

    Hey he's new, don't just assassinate him yet. Welcome to the forams golradir sapiens!
  19. noQ

    New Study Shows Increase In Non-Religious U.S. Citizens

    lol 100% is impossible, maybe 90% is realistic (something around that is over here)