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  1. Yakuza

    Importing 3rd person weapon models from CS:S

    Hey guys I am new to the mod scene and I am having trouble discovering were or what files I need to import some CS:S models. I am working on a 3rd person mod project and I want to include some of the CS:S weapon models. However from my own trials all I can do is import models that appear seem...
  2. Yakuza

    Zorak | Source website is now completed !!

    In this day and age Mods rise and fall every single day. No coder, or experianced developer is going to drop a sec of their time unless you can proove to people that this is more than an idea. If I were you...I would have a detailed design doc, Concept art, a few models that are either finished...
  3. Yakuza

    Beginer needs direction.

    LMAO check your pm's dude.
  4. Yakuza

    "Forgetting Birthdays" or "Your son's an a**hole"

    Excuses, excuses Whats inexcusable is that you couldn't commit even a single day to memory for someone you love. Why would you say something like your birthday is NOT important, sometimes having your family togther is very important to some people. And shame on you for even attempting to...
  5. Yakuza

    Beginer needs direction.

    hey guys, I am working on single player project yet I am kind lost as to what I need. I have the game along with the SDK through strem. However I am lost as to what compilers I am to used. Is there a free code compiler I can use to write HL2 code? I also came across Cannonfodders studio...
  6. Yakuza

    Very disappointed in EP1

    I am enjoying it so far. However they atleast should have given us a new gun or a chainsaw or something
  7. Yakuza

    Didn't Valve say they were writing a modding book?

    Lmao Yeah I pretty much have no trust in what Valve says. I thought they were going to be all into the community modding...uh oh yeah, they dont keep there promises. oh well....
  8. Yakuza

    Engine Error: Failed to open models\gman_high.vvd

    well I was having a similar issue. I just bought a All in Wonder X800 XT 256meg and I started getting this error, about some woode .dll not being found. I deleted hl2 then re-installed and now it works fine.
  9. Yakuza

    sound programs???

    wow, thx for the fast reply. I downloaded. Now I need some tut's, I will check the site for some.
  10. Yakuza

    sound programs???

    Do you guys know of any sound progams similar to FL Studio. I have messed around with it and I seem to like it. However i would like to check out any other programs that might be available before i make a decision.
  11. Yakuza

    Children and Violent Video Games

    But wouldn't it be fair to say that you and I are products of everything we have allowed ourself to be engaged in. I mean wouldn't it be ressonable to say that we as a culture are heavly influenced by the many forms of media.
  12. Yakuza

    Children and Violent Video Games

    You need to define your concept of violence. A mom in the burbs might consider something violent while children in other parts of the world deal with even larger issues and consider that sh*t normal.
  13. Yakuza

    muzzleflash problems.

    what did you do to fix the problem? Iin case any of us have the same problem.
  14. Yakuza

    PF progress

    nice job, keep it up.
  15. Yakuza

    source SDK help!!!!

    that worked thx man.
  16. Yakuza

    source SDK help!!!!

    see thats the thing, i cant even load Hammer. I try clicking on it to load but I get that error.
  17. Yakuza

    source SDK help!!!!

    man the SDK wont work. How do I get around the "Your configureation of the game you are trying to edit is either invalid or missing... " problem?
  18. Yakuza

    The female mind....

    Women Lanuage= flipped meanings. You know, when she means exacly the opposite of what she says. What she says..... "honey, if your busy you dont have to rub my feet" = what she means...."Honey, if you dont show me that I am more important than your work, Dont even think about trying any funny...
  19. Yakuza

    I'm going to Japan! But...

    yep, but its sad that we dont get to see all of the children who have been blasted to freakin pieces because of this superior idealology of Human value. Show me one Japanese civilan that would prefere being bombed with a nuclear weapon, over a country who could barly fight off there own...
  20. Yakuza

    SOCOM: Source

    He said based off of, so I dont think it will be exact replicas. and besides socom based their ideas off of somehting. You cant make identical games but you could look at and maybe use some of the concepts behind socom.