Search results

  1. figge

    Oh crud, there's No More Room In Hell... 2 Map Concepts 2 Map pics and a char render further down
  2. figge

    For everyone with the HL2 Retail Collectors Edition

    How to get DoD:S? There are two ways to buy DoD:S. One way is buying it over Valves own platform Steam, the other one is buying it in a store. 1. Buying over Steam: Buying over steam is currently only possible with a credit card. Several credit cards are supported right now, like Visa or...
  3. figge

    Free Mp3 Downloads (Legal)

    I have now completed the redesign of a onemanband from sweden. He has annouced a album that will be available later this fall. Hope you like the site, and the music
  4. figge

    Zombie Strike: Source - CS:Script

    Anyone can start a server. It can be on a standalone server, a dedicated server or a LAN server. But i think it needs some changes for a standalone internet server... so the server executes the script at mapchange... It is the orginal Counter-strike:source bots ;P The only one needing the...
  5. figge

    Zombie Strike: Source - CS:Script Something to do while waiting for a real Zombie Mod ------------------------------------ Zombie Strike: Source is a simple script that turn VALVe's Counter-Strike: Source to orgy of blood. Tackle the hoards of Zombie Bots attack you and your team. A real blast...
  6. figge

    Lamaar names, both actor and mountain

    It's spelled "Lamarr" in hl2
  7. figge

    Most Annoying Creature

    Poison Zombies
  8. figge

    Help: Scripting Error Water Hazard

    If you have a job you whould be able to buy the game...
  9. figge


    Use the search function plz! People already have played "Half-life 2 tomorrow for the first time" alot now... ( :p :P :p )
  10. figge

    New Gravity gun

    Rumors say that pirated versions of the game have scripts that don't work ;)
  11. figge

    spooky stuff?

    Kids, and sound of kids is scary: recomended:
  12. figge

    Pilotable Strider Mod v0.2.5: RIDE THE HELICOPTER

    Man played on the coastline for an hour :D
  13. figge

    Help: Scripting Error Water Hazard

    How do u then explain the red aux power-meter?
  14. figge

    New to the game...

    1. Buy the game 2. Play it 3. Crowbar from barnet
  15. figge

    Half-Life 2 and Doom III

    No shit sherlock... ...Most people already know this... And use the search function, and you will see that you are not the first one to discover this...
  16. figge

    Why do all zombies wear labcoats???

    Zombies Fast Zombies Poision Zombies Half-Zombies (Zombies cut in Half :p) I think thats "diffrent kind of zombies"
  17. figge

    gore level?

    Some mod will probably make a more gory than Soldier of Fortune, Phantasmagoria and pacman with ragdolls
  18. figge

    Zombies > all He made the 1990 remake of the living dead... and he made the makeup for Dawn of the Dead (orginal) and Day of the Dead
  19. figge

    spooky stuff?

    Vampire: Bloodlines The Hotel Bye