I am also disappointed that the Germans tend to back off any war related actions lately. It would be nice to see Europeans countries including Germany fighting alongside.
Do you guys think it is actually possible to be friends with girls?
I mean, can you realy look for a girl to be friends with out wanting to go out with her in the first place?
The only (girl) friends that I have is because: A- She is an ex or B- Been friends since childhood.
I find it...
Official story:
I changed computers and I want to transfer my Internet cookies from my old computer to my new computer so not to loose time rewriting passwords.
Where do I find my cookies on Windows Seven?
Unnoficial story:
I'm at my GF's parents home in Italy for a 2 week...
What ?
Adrien Brody deserves a rasbery award for his awfull acting.
The director and writers should be shot as well for making such a predictable movie.
Thoughts ?
It made me 600 Euros richer BTW.
The airline is AA.
I was once upgraded to business from Mexico to London. Since then I told myself I would never fly coach, but my credit card said otherwise...
Couple of months ago I aquired a Paris-Mexico City tiket online.
After completing my card information I pressed the send button and all I got was a "Payment denied " or some kind of error related to payment.
I thought maybe my account had unsuficient founds and told myself that I would...
I have never seen soe many clichés in a movie to date.
Was the script written by Americans who have never travelled abroad?
I think so. From the 1950s looking Mexican federal cops who speak spanish with a heavy american accent pronouncing to the word "gringo" in every sentence to the...
I invite all american cops to France so we can train them a little for arms security.
There are so many weapons in your country that you handle them as toys.