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  1. Urbanleg

    Cant see blood hits on my enemies.

    anyone knows why it happens?
  2. Urbanleg

    Some aliens work in the lab?! now I'm confused!

    what do you think about it.. remmber those are the species that you actually fought with in HL1. im confused. speculations?
  3. Urbanleg

    Worms like figures.

    Hi. I am suffering a very funny phenomenon lately: when i look to the sky at a bright day i can see worms like figures as if its sits on my eye reticulum. there are allot of them.. its pretty scary and before i will go to a doctor about it - i wana know if its a well known issue? (i heard it...
  4. Urbanleg

    Are we dreaming in "real-time" or via some sort of pattern?

    Are we dreaming in "real-time" or is there any kind of Determinism? Hello, Ive been thinking about a dream i had tonight and a theory came to me .. First of all my dream: In it i was in my classroom and the teacher gave us the exams we did.. (he returned them with grades on them of...
  5. Urbanleg

    There is no Infinity.

    Thats not true.. When you Choose to Count all the numbers between 14 to 15 there is a very exact point of beggining and end. the in-between is what Supernal.
  6. Urbanleg

    There is no Infinity.

    I Just thought about it.. If there is Infinite numbers between 0 - 1 (0.0000001,0.00000002 etc..) than there must be infinite numbers between 12:01:00 (o'clock) to 12:01:01... that way any second replaced by another is actually proving there is a finite to an Infinity. I thought about it...
  7. Urbanleg

    Sawing a Woman in Half Trick.

    Hey. anyone knows how the hell magicians those days do this amazing trick??! I mean i'm sure we can find it on the internet somewhere, any thoughts? ?
  8. Urbanleg

    Gamepad To usb

    Well its a Sidewinder (the old version). well i got a problem cuz i dont have a connection for it in my motherboard (i dont have a soundcard only a built in with no gameport connection.. what can i do? ( with spending a minimum amount of money)..
  9. Urbanleg

    Gamepad To usb

    Hello, is there a way to get a part which connecting to my gamepad conection and changes it into usb connection>? thx.
  10. Urbanleg

    A critical Blow for valve.

  11. Urbanleg

    A critical Blow for valve.

    Well ofcourse they arent going to copy-paste the whole idea of havok! but what they CAN do is reading it and work by several guiding lines who creates the havok code.. so in other words they can create somthing diffrent , much better than nothing \ paying for a coding from havok.. what else...
  12. Urbanleg

    A critical Blow for valve.

    Well I know im not inventing the wheel here but i think this subject must be discussed... The owner of A fan site who gathers all the information about the latest leak name. said today that Valve gave him a call and the only thing he sees now right to do is to pray for them.. When he was...
  13. Urbanleg

    HL2 Source Code

    Administrators !!!! please update The main page constantly about it.. thx
  14. Urbanleg

    If Valve Release the game ONLY on steam (At the 30th)...

    when u think about it - it will be very wrong if valves do it.. its a really nasty trick dont u think?
  15. Urbanleg

    If Valve Release the game ONLY on steam (At the 30th)...

    I really dont see why would i want to get the box.. Actually the steam id(ea) is very appealing to me.. less money and i dont need to get out of my house to get it.
  16. Urbanleg

    If Valve Release the game ONLY on steam (At the 30th)...

    WHat will you do then? Feel free to discuss this subject..
  17. Urbanleg

    7 Days

    Sorry but i dont have a doubt hl2 wont come out in the 30th. i even delayed my video card buying till the game will be released. i belive when the game comes out ill be getting a really nice price for the ati 9800.. sorry but thats how i see it... get used to it... i mean dont u all...
  18. Urbanleg

    Your bills on gold date

    Sorry guyz I gave up i think it wont make the 30th... ;(
  19. Urbanleg

    Spitcodfry: Gabe Email For You!!!!!!

    Any idea when he started his Trip? I guess it wont take more than 1-2 hours.. So will speculate when he comes back...
  20. Urbanleg

    Where Do You All Think HL2 Will...

    :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: It would be super cool if you start at your Home.. And suddenly there is knock on the door.. and than the G-man or his companions are ordering you to follow to you Next Mission.. Dont you think? :afro: