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  1. O

    A very merry Christmas giveaway!

    what a desperate but genius grab for forum content merry christmas to all, and to all a good advertisement if you dont pick me i'll beat a koala I swear to god I will
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    Counter Strike: Global Offensive PAX Media Round-Up

    Same old tired shit.
  3. O

    Winners Of The Dota 2 International 2011 - Na'Vi

    God damn it could they fit the stereotypes of computer nerds any better? I'm upping my bench right now because of this, ****ing motivation to not be associated with the likes of them. Yes I'm insecure, but god damn it I look good.
  4. O

    Virginia Tech Under Lockdown

    What pussies.
  5. O

    Nuclear Dawn Release Official Trailer

    So I just saw this available for pre-order on Steam. I watched the video that's on the sale page, but it didn't strike me as worth the purchase. Anyone going to buy it? Or has anyone been in any betas?
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    Famine in Somalia

    Sure, feed them. Then their population increases some more. And this shit happens again. And then we feed them again...
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    aleens comin to kick our shit

    WHERE ARE MY ALENS They were supposed to be here by now! I have to go to church now, but when I get back you better tell me what you saw.
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    Team Fortress 2 MANN-conomy Update Details Revealed

    I just bought every single item and hat with my parents' credit card. Haha you cant headshot me now.
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    aleens comin to kick our shit

    And since I can anticipate several fat neck bearded mods coming to infraction me, have some preemptive links: Generals on CNN telling us about UFOs disarming nukes UN appoints Alien Ambassador...
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    aleens comin to kick our shit

    So, like, aliens n shit. Airforce generals going on CNN and admitting ufo's and aliens have been ****ing us for years, the UN elects an "Alien Ambassador" all of a sudden, ufo sightings increasing to **** and back in 2010, UFOs disarming nukes all over the country, SETI being taken over by...
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    "Remember me" doesn't work anymore

    Good morning to you, fine sirs/trophy wives. 10 revolutions of the Earth have occurred since we last did textual relations and I still notice that the "Remember Me" device is faulty. As promised earlier, I will now begin to show myself into your anuses. I will NOT leave my coat at the door, nor...
  12. O

    "Remember me" doesn't work anymore

    Attention, I say, you vast and enormous homosexuals. I do declare that you repair this here "Remember me" mechanical device embedded into your forums at once. For if you do not, I will descend from a crane and violently desecrate your anuses post haste. Sincerely, Orcone101.
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    Start up problems

    Then it's not a problem with TF2. There are so many issues that could be present, honestly, the easiest and least stressful way to fix the problem would just to be a format and re-install of TF2.
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    Official Portal 2 Co-op Trailer Released in HD

    Looks pretty gay.
  15. O

    PAX 2010: Portal 2 Coop Coverage

    Jumping, puzzles and friendliness in a colourful game with a woman who speaks to you no matter how ugly you are. I can see why you queers like the idea of it.
  16. O

    SDK - Soul Destroying Kit?

    Level designers are the biggest whiners in history. "Bawwww my job is so hard!" **** up, ******! Your job involves sticking cubes and shit together, and letting the engine calculate the light values and shadows. CASE CLOSED orcone 1 level designers 0
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    Do you feel bad about throwing away food?

    What a bunch of pussies. I throw food away routinely, jump in my 4WD and tear up some rainforests.
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    Firearms: Source Hands On Preview by

  19. O

    Kid Tricks Apple Into Approving Tethering App

    Is there a similar applications for Blackberry's?