I find it interesting how most humans gain wisdom and insight with age, yet Willie somehow manages to defy nature and stay permanently intellectually crippled and regressed.
We're a bunch of old people desperately clinging on to the youthful dreams that existed in our heads on halflife2.net 10 years ago.
Anyone who joined up before 2006 and has posted recently is dead inside.
It creeps me the hell out. I like it.
Makes good late night insomnia listening. Definitely NeptuneUK approved.
ah I gotta get my groove back (if I ever had it) About 80% of the stuff I've been coming out with recently... just feels uninspired... Might have to have a few spliffs here and...
The dark theme helps lurkers hide in the shadows.
At least I think that's how the internet works, right?
edit : How the hell does Mutoid man have less posts than me? Did you get a reset or something?
Man, that guy's everywhere, he permeates my dreams.
First off you ditch that battery acid and drink some proper whisky.
You pour a glass of single malt scotch and have it neat with 3 ice cubes.
If you have to mix it it's not worth drinking.
This whole thing is hilarious, ridiculous and infuriating.
One image of a rainbow cookie and all of a sudden the internet gets filled with comments about how the gays are destroying the USA.
Where is the train of thought behind that conclusion? Flowchart anyone?
It has been said that smells evoke a stronger memory response than any other sensory input.
I can't think of many solid examples right now, but I do know that a particular brand of soap makes me feel nostalgic for some reason.
And for some reason, a brand of shower gel that I never buy gives me...