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  1. brisck1

    De_Forest Released

    I noticed in the video there were no ambient sounds like birds singing or trees rustling in the wind. Thats a sign that you didnt have the soundsscapes I previously didnt include
  2. brisck1

    De_Forest Released

    ***UPDATE**** I noticed that alot of people were commenting on a lack of ambient sound, I just checked and I forgot to include my custom soudscape and soundfiles!! I am currently updating the ZIP file to include these files, simply redownload and re-extract to your CS folder (not your maps...
  3. brisck1

    De_Forest Released

    Thanks guys! Looking forward to seeing what people think when they play it with a lot of players. The framerate should be better than milita, I get 120fps and 60 at lowest on my x800. Azner the story is in my first post, I think it's pretty believable :P
  4. brisck1

    De_Forest Released

    Hello everyone, Im pleased to announce the release of De_Forest! There's been alot of blood sweat and tears to get this into the state it is today, also figuring out how the hell to make a forest map work in the Source engine, but Im pretty proud of how it looks and plays now. It should...
  5. brisck1

    Morning Mod News

    Care to name a few?
  6. brisck1

    Morning Mod News

    LOL Krenzo, where do you get these ideas?
  7. brisck1

    Zombie Master - New Video

    Lookin good, I was going to metion the ice skating zombies but omikron beat me to it. It would be great to see some gibbing going on too!
  8. brisck1

    'Halloween HL2: Pumpkin Night Redux' Released

    Frankenstien?! Never saw him! Yeah I lit the candle, but where is the key?
  9. brisck1

    'Halloween HL2: Pumpkin Night Redux' Released

    Im stuck on exactly the same part!
  10. brisck1

    DEFCON Preview

    Wow man, it's just like being in that movie "wargames" !!
  11. brisck1

    Side-scrolling Source platformer released!

    metal lsug mod was the first thing that came to my mind too! :)
  12. brisck1

    Day of Defeat: Source Update is Here!

    Can anyone tell me what these two features are all about? * Added new image-based texture blending shader * Added new light warping shader
  13. brisck1

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. to be demoed at E3!!!

    Lookin Pretty good to me!
  14. brisck1

    Morning Mod News

    edit: Nevermind im stupid :P - good updates
  15. brisck1

    Nuclear Dawn update

    LMAO, who's head is that?
  16. brisck1

    Nuclear Dawn update

    lol I have another pic which says otherwise ;) (After the shot) :P
  17. brisck1

    Nuclear Dawn media update

    I wish you guys could set this PR stuff aside and look at all the the physical hard work, time and effort that has been put into the mod and the potential it has. As a member of this mod team, I can tell you Im not an asshole, im not egotistical or have grand plans of being the next chairman...
  18. brisck1

    Nuclear Dawn media update

    Lol we dont always share the same opinions as Dave, after all he is a bit of a nut job :P But I think you are reading that quote out of context a little (Sprafa) :)
  19. brisck1

    Nuclear Dawn media update

    Its amazing how 'over-hyped' something can be with just a countdown and a handful of art :P crispy, they are special bomb-proof bins from the future, didnt it ever occur to you that radiation has made them into mutant super bins! ;)
  20. brisck1

    Day of Defeat: Pacific Theatre Media Release

    One of the biggest mistakes you can make to promo your mod is to fake screenshots, the second is faking them badly. Seriously, if you're trying to promote a mod, at least put some effort into it! :(