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  1. EVIL Updates from Valve's Presentation at E3

    bleh! no episode 3
  2. EVIL

    Should "Support the Troops" stickers be allowed on Police cruisers?

    To me it reads as annoyance to replies that aren't fully thought trough.
  3. EVIL

    I am worried about my Country.

    holy crap this thread is old!
  4. EVIL

    The storyline to Half Life 2 makes no sense.

    Why are we even arguing with this monkey (thread poster)? if you don't like the story line, don't play it anymore, curse yourself for buying the game. if you think you can do it better? go ahead, contact valve and tell them you can kick more ass in story telling and await their reactions...
  5. EVIL

    Student Taserd for not having ID

    tasered? lol.. what happened to the old bullet in the kneecaps? cops are getting to soft
  6. EVIL

    Zombie Master

    why have it at such a low res, I can hardly read the letters
  7. EVIL

    which gun should I buy?

  8. EVIL

    This Is...

    who are you?
  9. EVIL

    Name the person(s) you love(d)

    QFL (Quoted for Love)
  10. EVIL

    Return to Mana Media Release

    there are so many things I like in the screenshots, and there are so many things I dont like in the screenshots, and the things I dont like, are imo the things that break the look and feel I get when looking at the screenshots. What is that? liquid metal waterfalls? most of the ground tetures...
  11. EVIL

    The Last 7 Hours Media

    Love the music man .. really fitting and misterious
  12. EVIL

    Eventually:Half-life 3 & keyboard for 360?

    I e-mailed gabe about it if it was about hl3, and he said, and I quote "bogus" so its about hl2
  13. EVIL

    Eventually:Half-life 3 & keyboard for 360?

    Its a 2, not a 3
  14. EVIL

    Half-Life 2 for Xbox Now Shipping

    Halo beats hl2, duh .. yesh I am serious
  15. EVIL

    Logitech Laser MX 1000 for $39!

    razer copperhead ownz all mice
  16. EVIL


    as is the dutch flag, wich dwarves the UK one in pure awshensness
  17. EVIL

    Physics Professor Reports WTC Destroyed by Controlled Demolition

    copy machine repair dudes offcourse
  18. EVIL

    First Splinter Cell 4 screens

    Hope it will look alot better on the other systems. this is so ugly
  19. EVIL

    Insurgency Mod Update!

    Well, I guess the mod scene got owned
  20. EVIL

    Not quite HL2..but Steam!

    LETS ALL BOYCOT EA! who's with me!