Agreed, that's what valve does best, and thats what makes them continue to stand out among the rest of the companies. Well whatever, we'll have to just wait and see. Let's just hope we have EP2 and the rest in our hands this year.
I'm not saying that, or not trying to mean it like that. Basically, from how the game looks now as compared to the past, A LOT of cool stuff was dropped. Now I'm not saying new stuff hasn't been added to TF2, because obviously it has. But this new look and design is just insane. What im really...
I've watched every TF2 video, which there were only about 5 made, which are ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE to find now. I've also read every single interview and preview from 97'ish to present day. That's how i know.
Well from my understanding, and from what ive read, it was more towards a Natural...
I also think many of you never even heard about some of the old ideas as of course TF2 being a themed military shooter game. of the biggest upsets is loosing the commander mode. It was such a huge success with Natural Selection, but that game kinda fell short. Better concept, better...
Valve didn't make much of DOD:S, i know it's just my opinion but i had way more fun playing the original.
As for TF2, Darkside is right...
Even though we have BF2 and all of these other modern day shooters...TF2 would of still been a huge success. The ideas they had at the current time...
Yeah, that was the ONE and only video i lost and could never find again. That video promised more than i could imagine, and A LOT of people never even got to see it. Man, i still wish valve stuck with that original idea, it would be somewhat like BF2 but on the steam engine, an entire different...
holy shit, talk about not updating my profile in years.....obviously you people can tell im a huge fan...had every video, picture, article, and sound file saved to computer. gayyy i know.
I just don't understand. What made valve turn away from their original ideas to this pixar cartoony new style? I've been playing TFC since day 1, hell, even counter strike since beta 3 or a little before, and i must say TFC consumed a lot of my time, and i mean a lot. That was back in the day...
Vivendi Universal
50 Cent: Bulletproof (PS2, Xbox)
Crash Tag Team Racing (Cube, DS, PS2, Xbox)
F.E.A.R. (PC)
The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction (Cube, PC, PS2, Xbox)
Scarface (PC, PS2, Xbox)
Those are the current games being shown. At the e3 website, Vivendi has 3 booths. Every...
Did you crazy people forget that this could be the big news too?! Valve said they would mention more after HL2 was released. Why not right before e3 2005? Just like they did with HL2 before e3 2003. MADE MY POINT.
Also just read in most recent PC GAMER that there will be a "world first exclusive" or something like that, and they say it
s HUGE. I'm thinking Team Fortress 2. Valve said they would talk about it after HL2....and guess what E3 is the best time to. I bet anything...
Yes, they said after HL2 was released they would talk about it. This E3 will be another HUGE year for Valve once they show off TF2, WHICH THEY BETTER! Oh and btw, Resident Evil 4 is AMAZING.
My friend has the exact same thing except only between his index finger and thumb, it's this weird type of tenderish meaty ball thing, hard to describe, anyways, not a big deal IMP.
Anyone interested in TF2, highly a good read, you need adobe acrobrat reader though :)