Search results

  1. GreaseMonkey

    Computer Used To Show HL2 at E3?

    OMG my penis is teh bigg3st cuz i got 2 gigs ram omfg wtf!1!!! ..........
  2. GreaseMonkey

    Party A vs Party B.

    the release date is december 13th. Oh and party A pwns.
  3. GreaseMonkey

    ati coupon

    ok wow, in 15 seconds, like 6 posts were made.
  4. GreaseMonkey

    ati coupon

    Jesus christ get the sand out of your vagina.
  5. GreaseMonkey

    What do you think ?

    This community has been cool in this situation. That's how i feel. I never really played HL all that much (Im a BFer) and i heard that the HL communities can be very immature with all the leet 12 year old CS players, but this community has been cool.
  6. GreaseMonkey

    Half Life Radio Log

    it was a 14 hour broadcast too. Not easy to download or anything.
  7. GreaseMonkey

    gabe will speak on halflife radio

    Im trying to do my homework....
  8. GreaseMonkey

    gabe will speak on halflife radio fake beta video
  9. GreaseMonkey

    gabe will speak on halflife radio

  10. GreaseMonkey

    gabe will speak on halflife radio

    take the www out. #radio
  11. GreaseMonkey

    gabe will speak on halflife radio

    Oh i found it: server, channel #radio Can't connect though.
  12. GreaseMonkey

    gabe will speak on halflife radio

  13. GreaseMonkey

    gabe will speak on halflife radio

    no crap: ON gamesnet? #radiochat?
  14. GreaseMonkey

    gabe will speak on halflife radio

    What channl are they talking about: "Radio Chat"?
  15. GreaseMonkey

    gabe will speak on halflife radio

    I own.
  16. GreaseMonkey

    gabe will speak on halflife radio

    here comes the link
  17. GreaseMonkey

    gabe will speak on halflife radio

    vids getting boring. "Dude, how did we get this"
  18. GreaseMonkey

    gabe will speak on halflife radio

    ATi advertisments. w00ts
  19. GreaseMonkey

    gabe will speak on halflife radio

    did this shit just die? I can't hear anything