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  1. K

    cs_compound or gfx card problem?

    CookieCuttah my head is baffled man, you wouldnt believe how many people are stumped at what it is :) i would just call it artifacting if it wasnt for the fact that it only happens on the chimney (in the whole game) doesnt happen if i dont shoot the chimney and it happens to my...
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    cs_compound or gfx card problem?

    arrrr Q_onfused youve made me a happy camper :P Now your sure theres no gfx card problems? i know you cant be 100% sure! i hate to blabber on but...... people are still saying that its artifacts, but how can 2 people with to different setups have the same problem at the exact same spot?
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    cs_compound or gfx card problem?

    A picture of the problem :(
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    cs_compound or gfx card problem?

    Could someone please put my mind at rest and try this for me? What it is, is when i was playing on cs_compound i shot a terrorist then noticed that the chimney (the big one) had black marks on it, the more i shot the chimney the more spikes and black marks appeared, i then created my own...
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    Worth it's Money? Gfx card question!

    could someone please tell me if this Gfx card is worth its money! as i have no clue on wot to look for. at the moment i have a fx5200 128mb, running all medium,1028 x 728 (if thats right) on CS:S, will i see a considerable difference...
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    Does increasing heapsize affect cpu or gpu?

    i just recently increased my heapsize from 64mb to 256mb (which is half of my RAM) and i got an improvement in the way CS:S runs, including my fps increasing and on a higher resolution (1026 x ***) and my question is will this affect my computer as a whole, because i heard that my cpu and...
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    64mb heap size - Should I increase it?

    any ideas how to change it to 128?
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    64mb heap - what does it mean & should i increase it?

    Ive just realised that i am using 64mb heap (which i dont understand completely) and i was wondering (because i had seen it bought up sometime) if i should increase this? i have 512mb of ram if thats anything to do with it and if i increase it what affects will it have on the game...
  9. K

    64mb heap size - Should I increase it?

    Ive just realised that i am using 64mb heap (which i dont understand completely) and i was wondering (because i had seen it bought up sometime) if i should increase this? i have 512mb of ram if thats anything to do with it and if i increase it what affects will it have on the game...
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    cs_Compound = Best cs map ever

    i have to agree with you guys, at first i was a bit sceptical, looked more at home in hl2/dm but once you actually start playing online it is one of the best maps available, it doesnt feel cheap and badly put together like other games i wont mention (cough cough halo 2)
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    Congrats Valve - Excellent Update :)

    i would just like to congratulate Valve in another job well done the new maps are very nice indeed, and seem alot fairer for both teams than de_tides, CT models are better (wasnt expecting that one :thumbs: ) also the inclusion of the information about where players are on the map when...
  12. K

    Not really important but......

    Why when i am playing CS:S, on aztec when i am in my own server (alone) it is raining but when im in someone elses server (with 40 players) it is not? is there anyway that i can change this? thnaks for the help in advance :thumbs:
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    Should the Riot Shield be bought to Source?

    I was just wondering, and i dont know if it has been bought up before but i was an avid fan of the shield during CSX (never played 1.6) it was a very good inclusion to the game IMO the only thing that bugged me was in the xbox version of the game the viewing square in the shield was not...
  14. K

    The "white man" in the video stress test?

    right, ive had the game since xmas eve. and since that day, everytime i run the video stress test i get a white cut-out of a "white man" in the monitors and where the fire ignites, wasnt a patch supposed to fix this? and has anyone have any idea what i can do about it? thanks for the...
  15. K

    512mb ram turns into 511mb :( -why?

    the_lone_wolf your a lifesaver :thumbs: you've answer many of my questions in the past and im grateful as you can probably tell im a n00b to this sort of stuff (my first pc :) ) so alls it is, is that its being used by something else running on my pc? relief! nice set up btw...
  16. K

    512mb ram turns into 511mb :( -why?

    could someone please tell me why in the console it used to say that i had 512mb of ram and 2.7ghz whenever i changed my texture or model quality in-game (in red writing) and now for some reason its saying that i have 511mb :( why is this and where did that 1mb go? will it affect the...
  17. K

    Why is the water so murky and brown?

    i had a feeling it was that (honest ;) ) the only reason i posted is because it works fines on half life 2, always running above 30fps (reflect world) so why is it different for counter strike? thanks for the quick reply anyway
  18. K

    Why is the water so murky and brown?

    could someone please tell me why in the hell is the water so horrible looking on aztec, ive switched to reflect all and reflect world but nothing, its just that the water is clear (with no reflections) when up close but then in the distance theres like a brown mist which looks terrible. i...
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    Steam not connecting when i boot pc?

    could someone please tell me why when i reboot or turn on my pc steam never connects the first time? i dont think its me connection as msn signs in ok. i have to retry the connection which cant be right (everytime) is there any chance that norton is blocking it from connecting...
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    Exchanging AMD athlon xp3000+ for AMD 64 2800+?

    can some one tell me if i can simply swap my amd athlon xp3000+ for a amd 64 2800+ as the 3000+ model is 32bit and the 2800+ is 64bit.......i just wanted my pc to be ready for the future thats all, and i was told that i would need to upgrade my processor ive already bought an extra 512mb...