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  1. H

    Fix found for crash to desktop at source startup It worked for me... Try it..
  2. H


    I wish it downloaded slower.. so it would complete by the time Wedneday came about.
  3. H

    Its 02:07 here in the UK and I think its time for Zzzzz!

    I believe the answer to your question is... because he can. Apology accepted :eek:
  4. H


    Meh.... I'm bored. Wtf is the point of having a gcf. I'll just stare at it as planned.
  5. H


    I'm FIRST !!!
  6. H

    Its 02:07 here in the UK and I think its time for Zzzzz!

    dart, he posted because he could. Why did you post? Because largely, none of us cares what you think about his post.
  7. H

    CSS Preload Countdown

    Wow, the users on this particular section of forums jumped from 66 (20 mins ago) to 211
  8. H

    CSS Preload Countdown

    Ignition failure... Liftoff aborted
  9. H

    Steam forums down..

    Update... Steam forums are still down. And yes, it is grand.:imu:
  10. H

    Stop getting so darn excited

    Naw, Ima wait for it to download. Then I'm gonna stare at the GCF in my steam folder. Until it becomes playable. hmmm so much for a life eh?
  11. H

    D3d Help

    Umm.. they are different engines. You cannot prepare for one by playing a certain mode on the other. Playing CS 1.6 in D3d will only help lower your peformance in CS... It won't do you any good in CS:Source
  12. H

    Steam forums down..

    The preload is inevitable now. Ofcourse, the forums might have been taken down to avoid the gazillion posts per minute... "is it here yet?" "WTF UBERGAYZORFAGZ fK VALVE"
  13. H

    Witch weapon do you think looks better

    Desert Eagle.. gotta love it
  14. H

    Hit boxes... even now?

    Sub, those look much better. The ones he posted just looked messed up. I'm not worried much.. cuz I played the game.. and on decent connections and lans... I did pretty well with strafing deagle head shots.
  15. H

    Hit boxes... even now?

    I guess we can wait till the BETA is out for us CZ users. I really don't mind.. I got used the hitboxes in CS 1.5 and 1.6... I'm sure we can handle this.
  16. H

    Hit boxes... even now?

    ok, he claims that the command is sv_showhitboxes.. could you try that out
  17. H

    aww this sucks past 3 pm here in -8

    Give it time... I would not be bothered if it didn't come out today even. After all, no point having the gcf lying around. I wait for the 18th. If it isn't out by the 18th 11:59 pm... I will then be unhappy.
  18. H

    Hit boxes... even now?

    I just mentioned that on the steam forums thread... Hopefully it will stop the people going crazy. As it is, some of them are frothing at the mouths because the preload hasn't started. Haters abound... and yet they will all play the game... while continuing to whine about it.
  19. H

    Hit boxes... even now?

    Must have been someone wanting to flame.. Or the guy was misled by someone.
  20. H

    Hit boxes... even now?

    sv_cheats 1 and cl_showhitboxes 1 and put 3rd person on.. How do you put 3rd person on?